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Summary for Monday, December 3rd from


At Devonโ€™s penthouse, he pleads with Shauna, โ€œPlease donโ€™t go.โ€ He explains Cane has no say and this is her home; she can stay as long as she likes. Shauna explains she misses her family; things were really good at Thanksgiving. Devon promised Hilary heโ€™d take care of her and give her every opportunity life has to offer โ€“ he still wants to do that. Cane and Charlie arrive. Charlie hugs Shauna. In a moment alone, Charlie canโ€™t believe this is happening. Shauna doesnโ€™t want to break up. Charlie will update his data plan. In the kitchen, Devon accuses Cane of ripping the family apart. Charlie pulls Cane out to ask if Shauna could live with them if it doesnโ€™t work out with her family. Cane declines, but agrees it sucks.


Rejoining Devon, Cane reminds him drugs were found in his couchโ€ฆwhat would Hilary think? He advises Devon to let it go. Devon feels if sheโ€™s gone, another part of Hilary is gone. Cane advises there comes a time when he has to stop living life for Hilary. Devon feels he wants to erase her from his memory. When itโ€™s time to go, Devon lets Shauna know she can call him day or night. Shauna cries that he gave her love and a home when she needed one, and urges him not to shut his family out. She assures him Hilary knows sheโ€™s okay, and wants him to be too. They embrace.


At the Club, Laurenโ€™s telling Michael sheโ€™s attending Miaโ€™s party tonight, but heโ€™s distracted. He thinks the guy across the room looks like Fenmore. He turns, and Lauren gapes, โ€œFenmore?โ€ It turns out their sonโ€™s been struggling with law school. Michael promises he can help, but Fenmore announces heโ€™s leaving school to become a musician. Lauren worries heโ€™s in trouble with drugs or something, and Michael wants to know what this is all about. Fen says his heartโ€™s not in law, but music. A girl he met convinced him to sing at a bar one night and he loved it. Michael rants about his impulsive decision, but Fen interrupts โ€“ he has a plan and budgetโ€ฆand will move back in with them. Heโ€™s hoping to get signed at Hamilton-Winters. Lauren recalls she was singing with Danny Romalotti at his age, and suggests they discuss it in the morning. Fen warns they wonโ€™t change his mind.


At Reyโ€™s place, he helps Mia prepare for her party, and she talks about bringing the townโ€™s most powerful people there and the need to win. She worries he doesnโ€™t think sheโ€™ll succeed and asks for support. Rey reassures her as Lola arrives. Mia hopes she didnโ€™t bring cheap napkins.


At Crimson Lights, Phyllis and Victoria confer with Sharon about Tessa. Sharon thinks theyโ€™re in the clear. Phyllis says theyโ€™d better be, or the singing barista will find herself six feet under a sculpture of her own. Sharon speaks to Rey on the patio about Miaโ€™s party. Sharon worries sheโ€™ll walk into some kind of trap. Rey explains Miaโ€™s trying to get her business going and make friends. Victoria and Phyllis watch as Sharon says she doubts she can make it. After, they call her out on the tension between them. Talk turns to the party. Phyllis reveals sheโ€™s invited, as is Victoria. Phyllis feels itโ€™s good to be chummy with Reyโ€™s wife due to the investigation, but Sharon resists. Victoria agrees with Phyllis, theyโ€™re not safe since JTโ€™s bodyโ€™s still out there.


Victoria, Phyllis, and Sharon arrive at Miaโ€™s party, where Mia enthuses that sheโ€™s read about Victoria for years and probably knows more about her than she knows about herself. After a time, Esther has arrived and Victoria and Phyllis debate cosmetics. Miaโ€™s surprised Sharon came โ€“ hair and makeup doesnโ€™t seem to be her thing. She offers her a makeover. Abby arrives in the same dress as Mia and wonders if sheโ€™s in a nightmare. Mia chuckles about her great taste, but Abby points out Miaโ€™s is a knock-off. Vikki takes Abby aside and she concedes she may have gone too far. Vikkiโ€™s surprised she even came. Abby refuses to be intimidated and complains about Mia playing the Rosales brothers. Nikki arrives, and Mia gushes before apologizing for the paint โ€“ sheโ€™ll have to talk to the lady who owns it about that. Nikki asks Mia about Reyโ€™s investigation. Mia alludes to his late hours and chuckles to Esther that women like them have needs. The JT foursome whisper frustratedly in the kitchen area, while Abby tells Lola her food is better than sex. Mia chimes in that she must be doing it wrong. Abby assures her she and Arturo do fine. Lauren arrives, and Mia pitches a partnership with her and Jabot. Sharon gets involved and snaps at Mia when she gripes about Reyโ€™s long hours again. The women squabble until Sharon walks out.


On the Crimson Lights patio, Rey asks Sharon what happened with her and Mia. Sharon will only say theyโ€™ll never be friends. Rey doesnโ€™t know if heโ€™ll ever be able to forgive Mia, but heโ€™s trying. Sharon learns theyโ€™re not having sex. Heโ€™s not sure if itโ€™s because heโ€™s picturing her with his brother, or picturing himself withโ€ฆsomeone else. Rey moves closer and confides heโ€™s losing the fight against his feelings for her. Mia and the other women appear. Mia says the party was a success, and takes Rey away. Nikki gets a call from the ranch and gasps, โ€œWhat?โ€ She tells Victoria the stables are on fire!


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Devon confides in Nate.

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Monday December 3:


In todayโ€™s Y&R recap, Fenmore leaves law school, shocking his parents, Shauna departs, Miaโ€™s party is held, and Nikki gets horrible news.


Michael and Lauren get a huge surprise when Fenmore returns unexpectedly, as Zach Tinker joins Y&R.


Sharon oversteps.


Nikki gets terrible news.


Tuesday December 4:


The Newmans are targeted.


Devon opens up to Nate.


Mariah has issues connecting with Tessa.


Back to town! Kelly Kruger will return as Y&Rโ€™s Mac yet again.


Wednesday December 5:


Nikki struggles with old demons.


Abby takes a risk.


Cane and Victoria team up.


Thursday December 6:


Kerry is romanced by Jack.


Arturo stands up for Mia.


Latest casting! Y&R casts the recurring role of an aspiring rock star who waits tables.


Friday December 7:


Nikki finds herself in danger.


Billy gets a reality check from Victoria.


More Y&R spoilers...


Billy stuns Jack by admitting he wants Phyllis back.


Phyllis has an unexpected response to Billy wanting to get back together.


At Miaโ€™s party, Abby, wearing the same dress as the hostess, asks, โ€œAny chance Iโ€™m having a nightmare and Iโ€™m going to wake up any second?โ€


Ana tells Devon he needs help from a professional. Devon says, โ€œYou want me to see a shrink.โ€


Nikki awakens with the clothes JT was wearing the night he was killed in bed beside her.


At the station, Rey holds up a bloody shirt in an evidence bag. He says, โ€œIt looks like an Oxford shirt.โ€ Nikki asks, โ€œIs that blood?โ€


Nikki and Victoria sit in a car looking at a fire. Nikki gasps, โ€œOh my God, the stables!โ€


Nikki knows the fire is a message, but she and Victoria don't suspect Tessa.


Kyle has his buttons pushed.


Coming up on Y&R...


Reed comes back to Genoa City when Tristan Lake Leabu returns to Y&R.


Nikki decides to tempt fate.


Sharon is questioned by Mariah.


Victoria receives support from Billy.

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Hey, what happened to the posts on this thread? I copied @trenet's last post on the November thread over and responded to it earlier today. Now, there's nothing showing since @loveschocolate's original posts two days ago. There was nothing poof worthy in either post but even if there was, I thought the moderators were supposed to acknowledge the removal of a post... I'll tell you, these boards are getting to be about as well managed as Y&R is being well written...



In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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@stevieb, you are right. Ugh. 

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It's ridiculous @loveschocolate... the site has been running intermittently slow for days and half the time you can't even access your own profile. Now, added to all that, posts are disappearing with no explanation... The moderating is picky enough but now it's time for more technical glitches... They must be 'upgrading' again... Whatever... 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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@loveschocolate... I'd repost my MIA comments but without knowing if they stepped on sensitive toes, I'm reluctant to do so... Will wait and see how all this rolls out...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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[ Edited ]

I see Shauna's now hitting the trail too... While I don't care and won't miss her, here is yet another casting mis-step. She was brought in, served little purpose, had no actual story line and now is leaving... As for her role with Hilary, it was virtually meaningless and Lil and Hilary might have been in the car that crashed for any reason. The fact that they were looking for Shauna was superfluous...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Summary for Tuesday, December 4th from


In their car, Nikki and Victoria watch the stable fire and worry about the horses. Rey jumps into the backseat, assures them the animals are fine, and orders them off the ranch property. Security phoned in an intruder earlier and the police are investigating.


At the penthouse, Devon snarks to Ana about Cane making sure Shauna got away. Ana offers to talk, but Devonโ€™s going out and wonโ€™t be back home tonight.


In their apartment, Tessa and Mariah read in bed. Mariah puts her book down and turns her back to Tessa, who, having been unable to engage Mariah in conversation, turns off the light and faces the opposite direction. Mariah looks grim. In the morning, Tessa finds Mariahโ€™s gone.


At Victoriaโ€™s house, she and Nikki couldnโ€™t sleep for worrying about the fire and Reyโ€™s investigation. Nikki reveals sheโ€™s been unable to reach Victor โ€“ heโ€™s disappeared! Vikki calls the station, and learns Rosales is still at the ranch. Nikkiโ€™s frantic. The doorbell rings โ€“ itโ€™s Nick, who reports the fireโ€™s out; the stables are gone. Nikki hopes it was faulty wiring; she canโ€™t even contemplate the alternatives. Nick wonders if somethingโ€™s going on. Nikki goes to get some rest, after Victoria worries about her stress. Nick complains about Victorโ€™s absence before talk turns to Reed, Nickโ€™s kids, and finally Phyllis. Victoria thought Phyllis would go back to Billy. Nick thought so too, but sheโ€™s assured him that wonโ€™t happen. He clarifies thereโ€™s no future for him and Sharon either. Nikki reappears and cries that her emails to Victor are bouncing back, and his number is out-of-service!


Devon arrives at home where Nate spots him in the corridor and asks, โ€œRough night?โ€ He helps him inside and warns Ana that her brotherโ€™s sporting a hangover. Devon agrees to submit to Nateโ€™s hangover cure. Nate and Ana chop vegetables noisily and run the blender as Devon cringes. Nate presents the concoction and Devon downs it. Nate warns Devon what heโ€™s doing to his body before leaving. Ana wants to help Devon fix his heart. She hasnโ€™t suffered his type of loss, but fell in love with singing, and had to let go of her dream. Ana lost the passion that drove her, just as he lived for Hilary. Devon feels itโ€™s not the same; she can do music again, heโ€™ll never get his wife and child back. Ana says he can learn how to cope โ€“ he owes it to Hilary, and himself, to try. Devon laments that itโ€™s been months and he still hasnโ€™t absorbed that Hilaryโ€™s not coming back. Ana suggests professional help. Devon agrees to try it.


At Jabot, Fenmore introduces himself to Ted in reception and learns Lauren is out. Lola appears with new takeout menus, and meets Fenmore, who flirts, and asks if the feature is โ€˜hotโ€™. Lola exits, and Ted explains she has a boyfriend as Fen laments striking out.


At Crimson Lights, Mariah wants Kyleโ€™s help regarding Tessa. Kyle recaps that Tessa did something so bad Mariah doesnโ€™t know if she can trust her again. Mariah notes most people would be done after the lies, but she keeps going back for more pain and disappointment. Kyle thinks itโ€™s love. Mariah goes on about her reasons for going back and Kyle canโ€™t get a word in. Finally, she thanks him. Fenmore appears. He asks Kyle if Summerโ€™s still in town, they could get the old gang together. Kyle explains sheโ€™s overseas. Fenmoreโ€™s keen to check out the Genoa City dating scene. Mariah snarks that sheโ€™ll put out the word. Fen updates them on his switch from law to music โ€“ he needs to get a demo to Devon Hamilton and wonders if Mariah could help. She agrees to listen to his demo. Switching back to dating โ€“ Fenmore reveals he just likes a good time and has his eye on someone. He spots Lola and brings her over. Lola kisses Kyle hello and Fen looks sheepish. After, Fen muses heโ€™ll sit back and wait for Kyle to screw up like he always has. Kyle counters, โ€œNot this time.โ€ Meanwhile, Lola checks in with Rey, who gets a call, mentions a break, and leaves. Tessa arrives, looking to have coffee with Mariah, who rushes off to work. Later, Fen apologizes for trying to move in on Lola. Kyle snaps, โ€œNever stopped you before.โ€ They spar verbally until Kyle leaves with Lola.


Nick disconnects from a call about Victorโ€™s closed account at Victoriaโ€™s house, when Rey arrives to announce the fire was deliberately set. He asks about Victor. Nick relays theyโ€™re trying to get in touch with him. After Rey leaves, Nick asks if they get the feeling he knows more than heโ€™s saying. Victoria adds, โ€œItโ€™s more than a feeling.โ€


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Victoria teams with Cane.

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Christmas in Genoa City:


This Christmas, Nikki's family and friends pray for a holiday miracle as her life hangs in the balance.


Sharon keeps the Christmas spirit alive when she throws a holiday party.


Jack Abbott romances his new love, Kerry Johnson under the mistletoe.


Billy and Victoria Newman explore their chemistry by creating the perfect family Christmas.


A mystery figure visits Genoa City and itโ€™s not Santa Claus!