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Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Even Nostradamus is waking up this morning and saying, "I didn't see that coming!" The house has flipped! Christie is staying and Analyse is going bye-bye. So much for all those Christie eviction parties. I guess they'll have to be put on hold for a bit.


How did this all happen, you might ask? Well, it started out with Christie making the absolute worst possible sales pitch to Cliff, "I'm the only one who will go after Jackson and Holly. You need me to take those two out!" Cliff then let her know this was the wrong strategy to use and had her shift her target from Jackson/Holly to Nick. In a long chat in the boatroom he pretty much laid out her whole plan of attack for her. She needed to win over Holly and Jackson. Get them on her side. He could swing Nicole to vote to keep her. With Holly, Cliff and Nicole she'd have the three votes she needed for a tie and then Jackson could break the tie. Cliff made it clear he wouldn't go against Holly and Jackson and that made it nearly impossible to get the votes to stay. Cliff more or less orchestrated a new five person aliance of himself, Jackson, Holly, Christie and Nicole.


Helping Christie in her new campaign was, of course, Analyse. While Cliff was providing good advice to Christie in the boatroom, Analyse was dragging people into the Camp Comeback/Have Not room to tell them why they should keep her. People wanted to know who she would put up if she won HOH and her "I don't know, I'd have to see where my head was" answer wasn't especially reassuring to anyone. Pretty much the only thing Analyse has done this year is Jack, so people weren't overly concerned about her getting power, but still, if she won't lie and promise you safety, it's a bad sign.


After being coached up by Cliff, Christie headed to the HOH room where Holly had just finished her confusing session with Analyse, and Christie made her pitch that Nick was her target. She'd guarantee safety to Jackson and Holly as long as possible and they'd make a great team with Cliff and Nicole. Holly was quickly on board and Jackson was also. At that point things looked pretty good for Christie. She had Holly and Cliff's votes. Cliff was pretty sure he could get Nicole to vote to keep her and Jackson was the tie-breaker. 


Tommy who had meanwhile all but gotten a divorce from Christie and was largely on team Nick soon learned that the old gang (Christie, Jackson and Holly) were getting back together again and quickly jumped on board also. Sure they may have replaced Nick and Analyse with Cliff and Nicole, but Tommy was just happy to be in a big alliance again. (Well, technically the whole six aren't together there are more or less two four person alliances (Cliff, Nicole, Jackson, Holly and a second one of Jackson, Holly, Christie and Tommy.) The two four person groups have some overlap though, so it's more or less a six person alliance. Close enough to have Tommy dancing with joy.


So, at this moment it looks like the vote to keep Christie will be 4-2 with only Nick and Jessica (maybe not Jessica, she might vote to keep Christie now also) voting to keep Christie and evict Analyse. If Nick figures out what's happened even he may vote with the house. We'll have to see.


BB has been playing bird sounds overnight which has the houseguests staying up and studying like mad. They all assume that's for the HOH comp tonight. I think they're wrong. BB has done this in the past and it's been for the POV comp instead of the HOH comp. They had a long setup for tonight's HOH comp and a naming bird sounds comp is a simple Q&A with the booths that can be set up in a matter of hours. It doesn't take three full days to set up Q&A booths. Tonight will likley be something different, I just don't know what. The really long setups are typically for complicated mechanical comps like the wall comp. We'll have to see what happens tonight.


So, we have a show tonight. It'll be an especially confusing one for the TV only viewers who absolutely knew at the end of last night's show that Christie was a goner. In the first twenty-five minutes or so of the show, BB has to show how the flip occurred. It's going to take some creative editing on their part. Christie is getting hailed by some as a Dan type player for her ability to flip the house, but her flip would have flopped, and flopped badly without the help of both Cliff and Analyse. Cliff gave her a far superior strategy to use and Analyse blew up her own game while trying to assure that she had the votes to stay, by being wishy-washy on who she was truly loyal to. "Will you put me up if you win HOH?" "I'll have to see where my head is at the time. Vote to keep me though." Uh, no thanks.


So, with Christie staying, will she keep her word and target Nick if she wins HOH? (Pretty much anyone winning HOH this week will target Nick from the way things look now. Nick needs to win HOH to be sure he lives.) I think my two preferred houseguests, Nicole and Cliff look pretty safe for a while. Nicole might end up a pawn if things go poorly, but right now Jess looks like the pawn opposite Nick. Jess may be second in line for eviction should Nick save himself to keep the six intact.


These next few days/weeks look pretty darn interesting. Will the move to keep Christie come back to bite houseguests? Probably. Analyse was kind of useless and not a threat, so keeping her likely was the safer move, but she looks like a goner right now. Christie's dangerous and likely to bite someone who'll end up regretting keeping her, but it looks like she's staying now. The game just got a lot more interesting.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Frequent accusations of Production being behind this turn-around are rampart on the feeds. Why they would want Christie to stay is beyond me. Christie adds nothing to this season. Her constant tears are annoying...

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Trinity11 wrote:

Frequent accusations of Production being behind this turn-around are rampart on the feeds. Why they would want Christie to stay is beyond me. Christie adds nothing to this season. Her constant tears are annoying...

I think this may be the one time production wasn't at fault. They know how unpopular Christie truly is and were probably happy with her going. She didn't come out of the DR with a radical new plan for how to stay in the game. Her original plan was horrible. It was Cliff who saved her game by giving her a better angle of attack. Now maybe production fed Cliff the details, but I doubt that. Were they advising Analyse to talk to the houseguests to get votes? Probably, but they likely weren't advising her to destroy her own game (what little game she had) in the process.


I'm not a Christie fan and would love to see her go, but the stars aligned just right with everything and she looks like she'll stay now. Cliff took mercy on her and gave her a much better strategy to use. Analyse freaked out Holly by not assuring her that Holly and Jackson would be safe if Analyse came into power. Nick told the world he was targeting Jackson and Holly, so anyone targeting Nick suddenly became more valuable to Jackson and Holly. Analyse certainly wasn't targeting Nick, she was his latest cuddle-buddy and he was her closest ally in the game. Christie swore undying loyalty to Jackson and Holly and made it clear that Nick was her enemy.


Nick was building an army to go against Jackson and Holly and had Jess, Analyse, and was working on Nicole and Tommy, with Tommy all but signed up and outfitted for war. Jackson being unable to play for HOH this coming week had him and Holly in a vulnerable spot. Nick wasn't hiding his plans. He told everyone in the Taco Tuesday Throwdown his plan to target Jackson and Holly. There was a great confluence of events that all just seemingly worked out right for Christie.


Had Christie continued with her original plan of saying she was targeting Jackson and Holly, she'd have never gotten the votes she needed to stay. It was Cliff who guided her onto a better strategy. Kudos to Chrsite for listening to him and taking his advice to heart, but she'd still be heading out the door if she hadn't listened to him. Winning back Tommy was pretty easy once he saw the old gang (with Cliff and Nicole added in) reforming. Tommy only feels safe in a group and with Christie going, Nick and his band of rebels looked like the only real group for Tommy to be in.


I don't think production is devastated by Christie staying or Analyse being booted, but I don't really see where they played any real role in this flip. If  Christie had come out fo the DR with a radical new plan that saved her game, okay, you could blame production a bit. She didn't. Her plan was horrible and doomed to fail until Cliff took her under his wing and guided her to a better path. Production has likely been frantically re-editing their pre-shot footage showing why Christie was leaving to now showing why she's staying. It's probably been a very long night in the old BB editing booth. 

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Sure I was annoyed that Christie appears to be staying, but it is only "a game" and who wins or doesn't means little to nothing to me but It sure makes things more interesting. 

If I had to pick a winner, it would probably be Holly and Jessica , Christie and Nick must go next.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Keybra wrote:

Sure I was annoyed that Christie appears to be staying, but it is only "a game" and who wins or doesn't means little to nothing to me but It sure makes things more interesting. 

If I had to pick a winner, it would probably be Holly and Jessica , Christie and Nick must go next.

Am I understanding correctly that you wouldn't mind Jessica winning? Just goes to show that everyone of the house guests have their fans. Anyone I would have liked to win is long gone.


Looking forward to next season because they lost me a long time ago with the cast this year.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

Frequent accusations of Production being behind this turn-around are rampart on the feeds. Why they would want Christie to stay is beyond me. Christie adds nothing to this season. Her constant tears are annoying...

I think this may be the one time production wasn't at fault. They know how unpopular Christie truly is and were probably happy with her going. She didn't come out of the DR with a radical new plan for how to stay in the game. Her original plan was horrible. It was Cliff who saved her game by giving her a better angle of attack. Now maybe production fed Cliff the details, but I doubt that. Were they advising Analyse to talk to the houseguests to get votes? Probably, but they likely weren't advising her to destroy her own game (what little game she had) in the process.


I'm not a Christie fan and would love to see her go, but the stars aligned just right with everything and she looks like she'll stay now. Cliff took mercy on her and gave her a much better strategy to use. Analyse freaked out Holly by not assuring her that Holly and Jackson would be safe if Analyse came into power. Nick told the world he was targeting Jackson and Holly, so anyone targeting Nick suddenly became more valuable to Jackson and Holly. Analyse certainly wasn't targeting Nick, she was his latest cuddle-buddy and he was her closest ally in the game. Christie swore undying loyalty to Jackson and Holly and made it clear that Nick was her enemy.


Nick was building an army to go against Jackson and Holly and had Jess, Analyse, and was working on Nicole and Tommy, with Tommy all but signed up and outfitted for war. Jackson being unable to play for HOH this coming week had him and Holly in a vulnerable spot. Nick wasn't hiding his plans. He told everyone in the Taco Tuesday Throwdown his plan to target Jackson and Holly. There was a great confluence of events that all just seemingly worked out right for Christie.


Had Christie continued with her original plan of saying she was targeting Jackson and Holly, she'd have never gotten the votes she needed to stay. It was Cliff who guided her onto a better strategy. Kudos to Chrsite for listening to him and taking his advice to heart, but she'd still be heading out the door if she hadn't listened to him. Winning back Tommy was pretty easy once he saw the old gang (with Cliff and Nicole added in) reforming. Tommy only feels safe in a group and with Christie going, Nick and his band of rebels looked like the only real group for Tommy to be in.


I don't think production is devastated by Christie staying or Analyse being booted, but I don't really see where they played any real role in this flip. If  Christie had come out fo the DR with a radical new plan that saved her game, okay, you could blame production a bit. She didn't. Her plan was horrible and doomed to fail until Cliff took her under his wing and guided her to a better path. Production has likely been frantically re-editing their pre-shot footage showing why Christie was leaving to now showing why she's staying. It's probably been a very long night in the old BB editing booth. 

Then I guess you disagree with the participants on the feeds.


Thanks, though, for the synopsis. I look forward to reading them as they are a lot better than the show itself.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

That is a big surprise this morning, @gardenman .  Now we're going to have to listen to her all week about how much America loves her and wants her to win.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I CANNOT stand Jessica. She is a dope and her voice drives me crazy. When she started out BBAD last night, I almost deleted it. 

Out of the remaining hamsters, Holly would probably be my choice. 

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Keybra wrote:

I CANNOT stand Jessica. She is a dope and her voice drives me crazy. When she started out BBAD last night, I almost deleted it. 

Out of the remaining hamsters, Holly would probably be my choice. 

Holly seems like a nice person. I would enjoy seeing her win @Keybra 

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@DrKelli wrote:

That is a big surprise this morning, @gardenman .  Now we're going to have to listen to her all week about how much America loves her and wants her to win.

You could see it coming yesterday when she was meeting with Cliff. A light bulb went off in her head and she followed his advice and changed course. I think she's aware that America doesn't love her, but thinks the universe does. (Silly old universe.) She's going to be really obnoxious, but a Nick win of HOH could end all of that in a hurry and really reduce her to a crying mess again. And for once, Nick will be trying to win HOH.

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