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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@beach-mom wrote:

Interesting comment from Milo about Jack:



"I think Jack is just consistently there no matter what. He’s there in the kids’ behavior, he’s there in the kids’ actions, whether they’re talking about him or not. There may not be much we’re going to learn about Jack, but I think the thing to know is that he’s always there. And going toward the end, we saw Jack’s end, we’ll get to understand where the true Jack’s end is when we get there in April."



I'm quoting myself- LOL! But I needed to refer to this quote from Milo.





The bolded part makes me wonder, then I thought about the ending of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (and probably many other movies and books), when Captain Gregg comes to get Lucy, who is again young, and they walk out together. . Not exactly the same, but. . . I wonder if it will be something like this, when a young Jack comes for a young Rebecca. 





What do you all think he means by saying this?  Smiley Happy

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

I thought his Dad may show up too !! But Rebecca and Kate will be at the hospital when Jack's Dad is dying/very ill. 


Camryn M looks just the same !   Down to the ear of earrings.


Issue :  the poem by Debby is a rip-off (ok...heavily influenced by) one by WH Auden that was read in Four Weddings and a Funeral...


The skating scene seemed "other worldly" to a dream

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@beach-mom wrote:







The bolded part makes me wonder, then I thought about the ending of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (and probably many other movies and books), when Captain Gregg comes to get Lucy, who is again young, and they walk out together. . Not exactly the same, but. . . I wonder if it will be something like this, when a young Jack comes for a young Rebecca. 





What do you all think he means by saying this?  Smiley Happy

@beach-mom   It's not so off the mark-and I started to tear up just reading it.


I am not sure what Milo meant - we know how Jack died, we know about his relationship with his parents and with Nicky, and we know how much he loved Rebecca and the kids.


There isn't much left?

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

Season 6, Episode 5 - "Heart and Soul



Kevin visits the construction site; Malik and Deja share controversial news at dinner.




OK - I've given up assuming people listed in the cast will DEFINITELY be in the episode, but there is no denying Jennifer Morrison as "Cassidy" is back!




Kevin goes to see how the new house is coming along, and calls Cassidy to ask if she will spend the weekend with him. Should we read anything into this? According to Jon Huertas (Miguel), "Cassidy will always occupy a special place in Kevin's heart."




What do you think? Does Kevin want to see if there is something there? Remember when we last saw Cassidy she was married with a little boy. Also Nicky previously left to go back to Pennsylvania. I think somehow he might end up at the cabin too. But maybe he's seen Cassidy already, or talked to her, and that's the reason Kevin invites her.




So could Cassidy be Kevin's future wife? Remember Dan Fogelman said earlier Kevin would be visiting some past loves this season. That's loves - plural. Don't count Sophie out!




It looks like we'll see the early beginnings of the romance between Rebecca and Miguel. He talks her into trying speed dating, but maybe after that experience they both realize what they really want!


As far as Deja and Malik's news, most think she's pregnant. I don't. I just don't think the show would do this. The producers would want to take us in another direction. How many times have we seen the "I'm pregnant" story line in shows like this?




I agree with some who think it has more to do with Malik. Deja is still in high school, but after their weekend they realize they're in love. I think Malik will leave Harvard, move back home, and attend college locally. The controversy is what he's giving up.



The other scenario is they tell Beth and Randall they ARE going to keep seeing each other and Deja will be spending weekends there.





The other theory is they tell them they are going to break up for a while.





Could be any one. but I think it will be something like the first one. What do you all think?



Enjoy tonight. Olympics break for two weeks. Plenty of time for us to speculate about what will happen!  Smiley Wink




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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@beach-mom   I watched the new episode early this morning.


I didn't think Deja would be pregnant-I would think Malik and Deja took precautions since he already has a baby.


I do think this relationship will not survive at the end of the series.  When Deja showed up at Kevin's house in that future episode - I don't remember Malik being there.


  I also do not know how they are going to manage food, etc.  Maybe she will not go.  Malik did not take to Randall's talk on the stoop, so I do not think Malik will discourage Deja from moving.


Deja said she has more life experience which is true, being homeless etc.

Yet she does not have the experience for a relationship at 17 years old plus dealing with Malik's baby and the ex-girlfriend? 


Nicky always puts a smile on my face-especially afraid of having sex.LOL

For all his hardness, he is really just a sweet person inside. 


I felt sorry for Miguel at the speed-dating fiasco.  We know they end up together but he is just such a good friend to Rebecca.  I was shocked when she slapped Kate but at least Kate came around - she seems to be the least able to deal with Jack's death.


Kevin and Cassidy would be a disaster and she knows a relationship is out of the question.  Like she said to him-let her be in peace.


 Kevin felt left out with Madison and Elijah and was looking to be wanted, needed.  It would have been unfair to Cassidy and she could see it.

  Kevin needs to either step up to Madison or learn to just be a father and let the rest go.  I never cared for Madison, anyway. 


Still wondering what will happen to Kate and Toby. 

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

Hi @Cakers3 !



DD "called " it!  When I told her I thought  Malik would come home, she said she thought Deja would go to him. "Mom, he wouldn't leave Harvard!" So she had something I hadn't thought about!




You're right about how Malik reacted to the talk with Randall. And Beth as always puts things in perspective, talking to Randall about when they were young. Her humor at that dinner table- LOL!




I'm not sure I agree with you about Deja and Malik's relationship not making it. We do see future Deja, who is  expecting but has not told many except Annie, in what looks like an internship or residency. Maybe she does go up and goes to school in Boston too? 




I'm with you on Nicky. He always makes me smile too! I have to remember Edie is permanent now!




When we first saw Rebecca and Miguel together it took me back to right after Jack died and we watched Miguel fix something else in the house. So they went speed dating and Rebecca found her date, someone she knew from school.



At this point I don't think Miguel is interested in her as anything else than just a good friend. Something must happen to cause Miguel to leave, as we know he lives in Texas and they don't reconnect until 8 years later after Tess is born. Maybe he sees her dating Matt, which seems to be what she wants, and realizes she doesn't need him any longer. 



I didn't think Kevin and Cassidy were a good idea either. She didn't look like she was going to a weekend with someone she really cared about. But when she told him to leave her alone I felt really sad for her. It's obvious her divorce is making her feel sad.


I like Madison, and as far as Kevin ending up with her - Caitlin IS the boss' wife! LOL! I remember way back when Dan Fogelman said in interviews there would be no way he would let his wife have love scenes with Justin Hartley! Then he said the writers talked him into it! We know they're friendly at Kate's future wedding, and she says something about "this morning." 

Kevin seemed to realize Elijah was more than just a friend, when he resignedly called him to tell him things Madison likes. Will he get to the point that he realizes he's in love with her? I don't think he's there yet. 




But I have always been about Sophie too, and that might be covered somehow in the "Kevin's story" episode #8 coming up. 



I have NO idea how they're going to handle the break up of Kate and Toby. We've already seen how Philip is starting to "warm up " to Kate. But she and Toby seem solid at this point. 



I do think she handled the situation about Rebecca's dementia and her watching the children poorly. I know some will not agree. And I have no personal experience. But if I were in that situation I think I would have talked to Miguel first before talking to Rebecca.



 I just rewatched the last episode of last season. Madison and Kevin seemed awfully friendly! And Kevin said he was 45, so Kate's wedding takes place 4 years from the "present" time we're currently watching.  


I also saw a preview of a grey-haired Randall standing in front of a bride. Of course the veil hid her face, but it looks like we'll see the wedding of one of the girls- or the renewal of vows for Beth and Randall.  Smiley Happy



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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

Oh Nicky....I love him and I love him with Edie....great pairing.


I am full on Team Cassidy and Team Zoe   If Kevin marries either I am ok. Just not Sophie....I have been anti-Sophie since she signed the note at the pool telling Kate she embarrassed them and couldn't hang out with them. Very mean Sophie !!!


Is it possible Kevin doesn't marry at all and is wearing the ring bc Rebecca is maybe back in time thinking its 15plus years ago and that he was still married ? The pin-the-tail on the donkey game was a total throw back...maybe she thinks Kevin is Jack......and that would break my heart a little bit.

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@withaK - I totally agree with you about Nicky and Edie! After all he's been through, it's so great he has his family- and even a great-nephew named after him! 

On the sad side he missed all of those years when The Big Three were little and when Jack was alive. It's sad his mom thought he was gone all of those years too.


That's interesting how you're pulling for Cassidy and Zoe. We haven't seen Zoe yet, so who knows?


 I think Kevin is definitely married and we will know who she is. 

You're right about Sophie being mean to Kate with the note at the pool. But she and Kate ended up best friends, and of course she and Kevin ended up more than best friends! But now Kate has a new best friend- Madison!

We're supposed to get more hints like the game before the end of the season. Smiley Happy

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@beach-mom   Tuesday, Feb. 22nd-get ready!!


I was just reading through all the last comments.


I wonder if Kevin will ever marry. He will be devoted to the twins but will leave it at that.  He doesn't do well in the relationship department.


Looking forward but also sad that the ending is near.



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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@Cakers3 - I can't wait either!


Kevin is definitely married, and I know we will find out who his wife is. We saw him wearing a wedding ring. Of course when they went forward to Kate and Phillip's wedding they were hiding his ring finger. They won't do it before the end of the season. Jennifer Morrison said we will see Cassidy again. I still don't think she will be the one, but we'll see. 


I think it will come down to Sophie and Madison! Personally I think he has fallen for Madison, but realizes how different their lives are. And I think Sophie has always had a place in his heart.  Smiley Happy