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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

[ Edited ]

Don't forget, Helen's overbearing parents who made Noah feel bad for not being wealthy and successful was a big reason Noah was unhappy way back in season 1. Her parents are awful and controlling. As you may recall they had bought Helen and Noah that big townhouse they lived in
Lots of strings attached. Noah disliked spending summers with them on Long Island.

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

THE worst season ever!  Helen is pitiful.  Why would her ex still be involved with her after all this time? Why do men find her so irresistible?  Her mother is a monster and needs to be put in her place.  Wanted to like the show after Allison was killed off, but it's been dreadful.  I'll see it to the end, but I'm plodding through each episode.

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

Going out on a limb here but me thinks the show would be a lot better if they had left this whole Joanie segment off. She adds nothing. Not a thing. 


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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

I agree it's sub-par so far.  Hope the actor doesn't cheat on Helen with a waitress, like Noah did.  He seems to like to emulate Noah for the part he is playing.

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

I am also totally confused with this season.  Where did the daughters fiancee come from?  Sorry, forgot her name for the moment.


I also agree with comments here about Joannie.  All of the pre-season things I read indicated that she (Anna Paquin) had joined the show in the future to find her monther's killer.  What is it with this 5 minutes of Joannie at the end of the last few episodes.


The writers may be up to something, and they willo eventually focus on her and her investigation.  Right now nothing makes sense here.


I will perservere as others say here because I am curious.

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

Hehe...Noah sure was acting the fool? It was nice of him to help his daughter in her time of need. 


Did anyone notice the dates on the head stones? They have Cole gone in 2053.Scotty was 2017 and the other was 1989.Was that the daddy? I thought it  would be Cole and Allison's son..forget his name? So it's at least 2054???

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@Jaspersmom  I agree this season has been awful! I thought season 3 was bad but this season has been worst. I don't care about Whitney and she was half the show last night. I thought this season would be about Joanie discovering Alison was murdered and finding her killer. Anna Paquin is an established actress and I am surprised she took this role. She has had less than 30 minutes of screen time so far this season. I was disappointed that Cole had died. I was hoping we might see Joshua Jackson in a couple of episodes. Cole' s death I think was recent since Joanie was cleaning out the house. I couldn't believe she was throwing out family photographs and Gabriel's toy chest. I would think those items would be sentimental keepsakes. I will finish the series but I am not invested in what's happening so far this season.

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

Yes, it is horrible,  why do we keep watching?  I think there are 12 episodes.  Yesterday's was terrible.  What is is supposed to show,  how the kids are still messed up because of Noah's actions?  


I may give up (but probably not) and just read the recaps.  It is so bad................

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)


Yes, completely confusing about the headstones!!!

This show is so crazy now, it's impossible to decipher anything. (I like reading all the smart and funny posts here about the show...they are more entertaining than the darn show!)

I THINK the name on the headstone behind Cole's grave was GABRIEL LOCKHART, which must have been Cole's father, because the dates on the stone had him dying at age 36. Didn't he die by suicide?

I guess Cole and Alison's son, also named Gabriel, was named after Cole's father, but where is his grave??

The dates on Cole's headstone indicate he died at age 74. I miss Cole! I miss Allison! Their dynamic and their storylines were so much better than the Noah and Helen endless saga of misery and angst and whining.


I am laughing out loud at your question because after every episode I ask myself, WHY am I still watching this?? Who cares what happens to ice-cold, self-centered, miserable Helen and her equally annoying daughter, Whitney??

And yet...Apparently I care because I watch the darn show every week. 🙃
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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@Jaspersmom wrote:

THE worst season ever!  Helen is pitiful.  Why would her ex still be involved with her after all this time?

Because they are co-parenting minor children.  Noah moved to California to be near his children.


Why do men find her so irresistible?

Her pheromones are on point. whistling.gif

@LogoFan"Where did the daughters fiancee come from?"

I believe from Ireland.  He needs to marry in order to get a green card.  I believe he is nearing the end of his work visa which apparently cannot be renewed.  Now where she met him, USA or Ireland, I do not recall.


@texassunflower"I couldn't believe she was throwing out family photographs and Gabriel's toy chest. I would think those items would be sentimental keepsakes."

She has no connection to Gabriel.  He was long dead when she was born.  More than likely she knows nothing about him other than he died - dry drowning.

I would have done the same thing if I were in her shoes. 



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