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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

As I watched this show, I started thinking...’this has to be one of the most depressing show on TV’; then I remembered “Poldark” and I KNOW that is the most depressing show. help me...this #$@* show runs a close second!


Upon reflection, taking a bathroom break, I decided if this wasn’t the last season of it, I’d stop now...immediately.


Remember when you were a kid and a friend dared you to eat that rotten banana?  You started eating it and suddenly you felt the bile coming up your throat but you couldn’t stop eating it because ..... after all, it was a dare and you’re not a chicken.... 


So you pushed the rest of the rotten banana in your mouth, hoping and hoping you wouldn’t upchuck the entire thing? So then you rushed into the house and made it into the bathroom just long enough to hang your head over the all came rushing up your throat.  You open your mouth and heaved...up it came!


You hoped upon hope no one was outside of the bathroom door...sussshhhh are they listening?  No?


Good!  Because that’s how I feel about this show!


The only saving grace for me is 1/2 the time I can’t figure the He(double hockey sticks) what is going on!


So, I’m still confused to know if Joanie is living in another universe? What’s with that house of her’s?  What’s with where she works?  It brings modern to another level.  I want no part of a house that’s smarter than I am....but I would like a medicine bottle that lights up the eyesight is pretty bad....


Wanna know how I feel about this show I wish I’d never started watching?  You already know my thoughts....


Go back and re-read paragraphs 4, 5 and 6.... enough said.


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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

I said earlier I was keeping my expectations for this season low but apparently they aren't low enough. This is the last show  I am going to torture myself watching after it loses its appeal. As several of you have already stated that was at least two seasons ago.


One thing worse than watching this drivel is coming here to post about it so I'll probably continue to read but don't expect I'll have much to say.




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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@Tique wrote:

I said earlier I was keeping my expectations for this season low but apparently they aren't low enough.



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Re: H yestRe: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@TurnerGal  That's what I'm talking about. Helen is so mierable yet it looks like she's going to be living in another ocean front house with a rich actor. UGHWoman Frustrated

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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@Tique  And everyone....I feel like so many of you.  I just remind myself of a broken record.

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Re: H yestRe: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)




@Mz iMac 



Oh, Ms. Pembroke, I am a Silly Rabbit right along with you - most of my family gave up on this show after the first season!


I LOVE all the posters here asking, 'Why the heck do we keep watching this insane show??'


Also, agree with Ms. Pembroke and Ms. Turnergirl...WHY DO MEN FIND HELEN SO APPEALING?? I just don't get it! She is rich? Very smart? She seems like a wet blanket to me.


And, I have decided that Noah and Helen's children have absolutely NO redeeming qualities! They are as self-absorbed and selfish as the parents. 


Annabelle, I love your rotten banana analogy - fantastic!

The struggle is real!


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Re: H yestRe: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

And yet, I will be watching till the end of the season! It's the proverbial bad car wreck - I can't stop looking.....



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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

@coffee drinker wrote:

Talk about not knowing what's going on!!!  Am I the only one who feels this way???  Watched all the seasons and the beginning of Season 5 last night really threw me for a loop.  "Think" Joanie was a married woman with 2 kids.  How'd she get that old when others in the show remained basically the same age.  If this last season is going in this direction, I may not watch.  

@coffee drinker  - you are definitely not the only one who feels confused by what's going on with Joanie. I think it's very confusing and I really don't care what happens to her. She's unlikeable and obviously a broken human being, just like her mother. And, in the future, she's got a talking toilet!


Even reading all the posts on Facebook's The Affair page, it's still too confusing for me. I don't really care what happens to most of the characters. They're so totally obnoxious and I think I'm ready to throw in the towel. I know I won't because this is the last season but still. Enough craziness already!

"That's a great first pancake."
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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

I'll keep watching. Husband gave up. Too much Helen for him. He sure wouldn't have liked Helen's mom at the restaurant last week. I have no idea where the writers are going, but I'll be watching. Noah is the one who looks miserable to me.  

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: The Affair - Fifth and Final Season (Spoilers Possible)

[ Edited ]

Helen's mom, Margaret. Another totally unlikeable person on this miserable show. Margaret has decided Helen should move because she needs help with Helen's dad. Despite the fact that Helen told her she didn't want to move and gave her the reasons,  her mother proceeds with arrangements as though it's a done deal including talking to her grandchildren about leaving California. I did love Helen sending Margaret to the store to get formula for the baby.



"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."