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@sophiamarie wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@sophiamarie wrote:

I put The View on today after a long break.... What is up with Sonny Hostin's hair.  Why is it all over her face - almost???  I read an article in today's paper, where they all bicker offstage and none of them get along.....  I wonder how true that is.

Any responses are appreciated.  TIA




Not sure if you are male or female because you have a male photo but a more feminine name ... but, living in that region of the country, sometimes you just can't do anything with your hair because the humidity can be horrific, and nothing helps.  Nothing.


@Tinkrbl44   Oh, I'm a female.  No question about that.  I never noticed the photo.  I didn't put it there and one time I even had my picture there, but it disappeared.  Sorry about that.  

As for Sonny's hair - she lives in NYC.  The View is also taped in NYC.  Sonny can do anything she wants with her hair.  They have it done before the show starts.  Notice Sara's hair is different every day and I am sure she isn't doing it herself.  Sonny also has extensions and I was just making an observation.  Sorry if I offended you.




No, no offense, but if you've ever lived in a high-humidity environment, "having it done before the show starts" can only do so much.   Seriously.  We all have different types of hair ... thickness, etc, but from just my personal experience, the humidity always has the last word.  LOL

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@Trailrun23 wrote:

I will probably be poofed, but I find that show vile and don't like the constant vitriol when they are usually underinformed about the topic. Example, Jill Biden is not an MD, she has her doctorate in education. 

@Trailrun23 I absolutely could not agree with you more.  I can't believe that show is even on the air.  It's an absolute joke -- and not a funny one.  

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I used to watch the View frequently. Now I avoid it. Maybe all the stress in my life leads me to lighter fare but it does seem to me that there is an uninformed meanness emanating from all of them. Maybe it's a reflection of what's happening in our country but I have enough to worry about without adding The View to my must-see TV. If I'm home, I read or, for pure escape, watch a quiz show.

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@cody2 wrote:
I watched the show when it was new and Barbara Walters was the moderator. The ladies were all much kinder to each other then. They were able to express different opinions without personal attacks on each other. I don't watch it anymore. All the raised voices and meanness makes me nervous. And Joy is NOT a joy. iMO she is the meanest of them all.

@cody2 @I always refer to her as Joyless😉

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@12andcounting wrote:

@Trailrun23 wrote:

I will probably be poofed, but I find that show vile and don't like the constant vitriol when they are usually underinformed about the topic. Example, Jill Biden is not an MD, she has her doctorate in education. 

@Trailrun23 I absolutely could not agree with you more.  I can't believe that show is even on the air.  It's an absolute joke -- and not a funny one.  




Well, I seriously doubt anyone agrees with everything they say, but the hosts and producers HAVE to keep an eye on ratings.  If more people are watching the "outrageous" commentary, the network is happy.  It will continue.  


Over the years, there have been many, many different types of talk shows, going back to Phil Donahue, Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin ... and even before them ...  I think.  


Clearly, it's no secret that many news and talk shows are also "entertainment".    For that matter, many people consider shopping channel presentations to be entertainment.  


If you like the talk show format, I am sure there is one or more out there that would appeal to you.  These days, there seems to be a new one coming out every month or so and the ones that survive are the ones with the best ratings, whether we like them, or not.  

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@CoffeeNut wrote:

I've been to 2 of the tapings in the precovid days.  They are very animated while the camera is on.  But as soon as they go into break they pull out and play on their phones and have little expression and rarely talk to each other.  Some of the producers would come on set and talk to Whoopi about what the next segment was going to be. 


As soon as the countdown to return from commercial appears they hide their phones and look towards the camera and it's all smiles again and very animated.  Also, during commercial breaks no one from the audience was allowed to ask them any questions directly.   


As soon as the show was over they all got up and left.  No interaction with the audience at all. 

I've been to several show tapings with an audience in LA. That's pretty much the way it goes on all of them. Sometimes makeup people come in and touch up, sometimes the producer talks to the star about something, but they really don't converse much with each other.

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@Trailrun23 wrote:

I will probably be poofed, but I find that show vile and don't like the constant vitriol when they are usually underinformed about the topic. Example, Jill Biden is not an MD, she has her doctorate in education. 

I don't know which one of them said that, but I do know they covered the topic when Jill was being attacked for using the Dr. in front of her name. They pointed out that not all doctoral candidates are MD's.

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@avid shopper wrote:

@Pook wrote:

@Trailrun23 wrote:

I will probably be poofed, but I find that show vile and don't like the constant vitriol when they are usually underinformed about the topic. Example, Jill Biden is not an MD, she has her doctorate in education. 

Poor example!!!!   No one ever said she was a medical doctor but having a doctorate in any subject means they are called doctor.  That is a title that anyone receiving a doctorate degree is entitled to!!!.  


@Pook   Years ago Whoopi referred to the First Lady as a medical doctor.  I was astounded!  Someone on the panel, I think Megan, corrected her.  

I too stopped watching soon after that and don't miss it at all. 


Whoopi says a lot of ridiculous things. I don't know how much she preps beforehand. She got in trouble for one of the adamant statements she made having to do withthe holocaust I think.

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@Trailrun23 wrote:

They said she should be the new surgeon general, so is a good example of being underinformed. I certainly was not dissing her doctorate...I happen to have one myself. 

THEY didn't say it. ONE of them did. The rest of them knew the score.

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@RainCityWoman wrote:

@Trailrun23 wrote:

They said she should be the new surgeon general, so is a good example of being underinformed. I certainly was not dissing her doctorate...I happen to have one myself. 

THEY didn't say it. ONE of them did. The rest of them knew the score.

It kind of reminds me of the time on the show that Sherry Shepherd didn't know the earth wasn't flat.