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@sophiamarie wrote:

I put The View on today after a long break.... What is up with Sonny Hostin's hair.  Why is it all over her face - almost???  I read an article in today's paper, where they all bicker offstage and none of them get along.....  I wonder how true that is.

Any responses are appreciated.  TIA

@sophiamarie   It's most likely true. There's constant bickering on camera, too. I had to stop watching this show. 

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I watched about ten minutes of "The View" a few years ago; that's all I could take. I think the arguing is for ratings. Like many shows, it's all acting and fake for the cameras. 

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@Trailrun23 wrote:

I will probably be poofed, but I find that show vile and don't like the constant vitriol when they are usually underinformed about the topic. Example, Jill Biden is not an MD, she has her doctorate in education. 

I agree @Trailrun23 Whoopi made a fool of herself with that one. Mistakes can happen, but not knowing Jill Biden wasn’t an MD. So much for the great political minds they try to convince us they have. I like Whoopi at times. I think she can be fair. The problem is when she opens her mouth, and she is wrong they are afraid to tell her. One clear example was when she went on and on about the Holocaust.


They are all legends in their own minds. I can't stand listening to Sunny and her agenda. Joy is miserable. I initially liked Anna, but that changed. Sara is too easily swayed by the other hosts. I stopped watching last season.

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Sunny is perhaps the most unpleasant personality that I have ever encountered on television. 


The others I can tolerate (or even like) to varying degrees.  But Sunny contributes nothing to any "discussion", such as they are.


Her function seems limited to whining, moaning and complaining about every perceived slight, real or imaginary. I guess that's Disney television. 

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If they are not talking politics I can laugh with Whoopi , Joy and Sarah. Sunny is perpetually sucking on a lemon.

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They said she should be the new surgeon general, so is a good example of being underinformed. I certainly was not dissing her doctorate...I happen to have one myself. 

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@Johnnyeager wrote:

Sunny is perhaps the most unpleasant personality that I have ever encountered on television. 


The others I can tolerate (or even like) to varying degrees.  But Sunny contributes nothing to any "discussion", such as they are.


Her function seems limited to whining, moaning and complaining about every perceived slight, real or imaginary. I guess that's Disney television. 

ITA. Racisum in reverse.  At least Whoopi doesn't appear racist to me, but had to stop watching.  Too political and onesided.

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@qvcaddition wrote:


@Johnnyeager wrote:

Sunny is perhaps the most unpleasant personality that I have ever encountered on television. 


The others I can tolerate (or even like) to varying degrees.  But Sunny contributes nothing to any "discussion", such as they are.


Her function seems limited to whining, moaning and complaining about every perceived slight, real or imaginary. I guess that's Disney television. 

ITA. Racisum in reverse.  At least Whoopi doesn't appear racist to me, but had to stop watching.  Too political and onesided.

ABC, and Disney should be ashamed of what they let her get away with. @qvcaddition  She is a disgrace, and has made comments many others have been let go over.  


I agree Whoopi is fair. When she talked about her grandfather serving in the war, yet he couldn’t vote that was powerful.


Sunny on the other hand  is a miserable racist in my opinion.

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Of the handful of times my God given good brain switched off and I watched the View I agree about Sunny Hostin.


She said she would help her kids bury the bodies (a discussion about kids and parents bailing them out I think).  I don't think she was kidding. You are an attorney and officer of the court.  I love my kids but I wouldn't help them do that.  She will be up in her kids business til she dies. She will be the MIL from hell.


Evidently prior to marriage her now husband hung up on her (can't imagine why). She let herself in his house took his phones and threw them onto a major road.


She seems to have some major issues.


I bet she rules the roost with an iron hand. At least that is how she comes off.