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@manny2 wrote:

@Trailrun23 wrote:

I will probably be poofed, but I find that show vile and don't like the constant vitriol when they are usually underinformed about the topic. Example, Jill Biden is not an MD, she has her doctorate in education. 

I agree @Trailrun23 Whoopi made a fool of herself with that one. Mistakes can happen, but not knowing Jill Biden wasn’t an MD. So much for the great political minds they try to convince us they have. I like Whoopi at times. I think she can be fair. The problem is when she opens her mouth, and she is wrong they are afraid to tell her. One clear example was when she went on and on about the Holocaust.


They are all legends in their own minds. I can't stand listening to Sunny and her agenda. Joy is miserable. I initially liked Anna, but that changed. Sara is too easily swayed by the other hosts. I stopped watching last season.

@manny2   never thought of it that way but your right "legends in their own minds ".  Sunny is always right 🤣 I can see why she's not practicing law , I mean really !   She's hateful as well .  Joy always miserable , mean and misinformed always 😠. Anna OMG she is not a republic as she claims,  and why she keeps insisting she is one can only guess why 🤔. She's soooo annoying !!! Sara goes  along with the rest of them ,  probably a nice lady,   but she's just mislead by the rest of them and goes along to get along .  Whoopie  is a very mean , loud  and has to always be right or else right to commercial if the talk is not to her liking or if anyone dare have a different opinion.

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@Nancy Drew wrote:

If they are not talking politics I can laugh with Whoopi , Joy and Sarah. Sunny is perpetually sucking on a lemon.

@Nancy Drew  🤣😂🍋🍋🍋

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I had not noticed Sunny's hair being very different this season.  She seems to  be edgy with Alyssa Farah Griffin who is the best person so far to be a regular to present a more conservative view -- finally one who has good manners and can carry on a conversation without screeching.  It's been a good season so far, Joy looks great.  People do love to be critical of these ladies.


I don't know why anyone should criticize them for not bantering during commercial breaks, many shows go quiet like that, saving "good talk" for the cameras and microphones.  That is what they are there for.

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I preferred the old View, when Barbara Walters was in charge. The show discussed a variety of topics that appealed to women. 
These endless political issues that the View discusses doesn't interest me. 

And Sunny is so full of herself. 

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@deeva wrote:

I preferred the old View, when Barbara Walters was in charge. The show discussed a variety of topics that appealed to women. 
These endless political issues that the View discusses doesn't interest me. 

And Sunny is so full of her self. 

ITA. I used to look forward to the View in days past, with the crew they had then.  In all honesty, in the world we live in today, they would not be on the air anylonger, because people seems to like the fighting, but now they have a different audience and only one side can give their opinions in this new world.

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@sophiamarie wrote:

I put The View on today after a long break.... What is up with Sonny Hostin's hair.  Why is it all over her face - almost???  I read an article in today's paper, where they all bicker offstage and none of them get along.....  I wonder how true that is.

Any responses are appreciated.  TIA




Not sure if you are male or female because you have a male photo but a more feminine name ... but, living in that region of the country, sometimes you just can't do anything with your hair because the humidity can be horrific, and nothing helps.  Nothing.

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Sunny Hostin's ancestry is African American and Puerto Rican. I would guess that is one reason her hair is the way it is, it is a genetic fact.

It's her hair to straighten or relax or not.
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it's a dang train wreck




~~today may be my last.....i choose JOY!~~
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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@sophiamarie wrote:

I put The View on today after a long break.... What is up with Sonny Hostin's hair.  Why is it all over her face - almost???  I read an article in today's paper, where they all bicker offstage and none of them get along.....  I wonder how true that is.

Any responses are appreciated.  TIA




Not sure if you are male or female because you have a male photo but a more feminine name ... but, living in that region of the country, sometimes you just can't do anything with your hair because the humidity can be horrific, and nothing helps.  Nothing.

@Tinkrbl44   Oh, I'm a female.  No question about that.  I never noticed the photo.  I didn't put it there and one time I even had my picture there, but it disappeared.  Sorry about that.  

As for Sonny's hair - she lives in NYC.  The View is also taped in NYC.  Sonny can do anything she wants with her hair.  They have it done before the show starts.  Notice Sara's hair is different every day and I am sure she isn't doing it herself.  Sonny also has extensions and I was just making an observation.  Sorry if I offended you.

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I watched the show when it was new and Barbara Walters was the moderator. The ladies were all much kinder to each other then. They were able to express different opinions without personal attacks on each other. I don't watch it anymore. All the raised voices and meanness makes me nervous. And Joy is NOT a joy. iMO she is the meanest of them all.