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I was watching this tonight, it is so disturbing that I had to stop.  Some of the girls were brutally raped, tied up etc... Some by vip members off the property.  Some never reported to police because the Playboy machine would cover everything up,  I had no idea this stuff was happening.  After girls were assaulted they were fired.  They never say what became of these girls.  This documentary is pretty good if you can stomach it, they interview the security people, the ladies who were in charge of training the bunnies and taking care of them while working at the Playboy clubs

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Anytime power, money and sex is there, women will be exploited. This has always been true, past, present and future.


These women were drawn in by the money and glamour. They made bad choices and won bad prizes.


Let's hope women get smart and this never happens again.  



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Re: Secrets of Playboy

[ Edited ]

Several nights ago I could not sleep and watched the rerun  of episodes one and two of The Secrets of Playboy.  I did not know about this show or I would have watched it during the first run.  

I could not believe that Jennifer Saginor actually lived there as a child.  Her story was just disturbing.  Hefner made sure he had tapes and recordings of everything.  And many off duty police as security.  He could use blackmail tapes.

But the episode last night about the bunnies and some of the horrible things that happened to them was very sad.  It makes me wonder how much happened that was not mentioned.  😳😢😢😢😳


Everyone was threatened and was too scared to speak out, but now that Hefner is dead the truth is coming out.  I too wonder how some of these women that were victimized are today.



“I heard the sound I had to follow”
In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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We are recording so we can fast forward thru all those commercials.  Pobably watch tonight.


I always thought he was a disgusting man and ugly too.  Cult and lots of money involved.


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@Carmie wrote:

Anytime power, money and sex is there, women will be exploited. This has always been true, past, present and future.


These women were drawn in by the money and glamour. They made bad choices and won bad prizes.


Let's hope women get smart and this never happens again.  



Well said!

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎07-26-2019

It would take alot of courage for these women to come forward who were victimized . The statute of limitation  has well passed for many of them, however  bring this story forward . Hugh Hefner was no revolutionary  to the Women's movement as he  so often said . The interview clip of him where he is asked if he was a " Moral person " , well is just sickening .

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Interesting..where can I find it to it netflix or tv the station please..

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎07-26-2019

Re: Secrets of Playboy

[ Edited ]


 I watched on A & E . There's a third episode next Monday  2/7 at 9pm.

Reruns,  2/3 at 3pm, 2/4 4pm

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@Carmie   as long as there are men who think just being men entitles them to "own" women and women who see their beauty and gender as an easy way to money, or status, we will be seeing this story played out among all the economic classes.


I live in Palm Beach County where men of lesser wealth but more legal power made a secret deal that gave Epstein and the rest of this friends leave to continue to use beautiful young girls for whatever they wanted for years and years.


I wish I thought I would live to see an end to this ugly use of power, but I am not at all optimisticI will.


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Today women have more choices of jobs and where to go to make money to have a life of their own. Today women are more educated and have more opportunities to get ahead in this world. Women of past decades didn't have many choices when it came to making money. It was much more of a "man's world" back then than it is now.