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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York

I felt sorry for Fredrick that his client took advantage of of him after he spent time and his money promoting the apartment..  Obviously someone in his office did not read the contract carefully. This little error cost him $800,000.

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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York

yeah, that wasn't good business. If I was him if that old fart came to me again I'd say "no, thanks" he wouldn't be my client again. Rich ole ****

Sell your own **** house you old twit

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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York


I guess even proffessional  people are even guilty of not reading the agreement fine print,etc....


Me...i would have walked out on that old scrooge after... i told him  to never ask me to do any business with me again...we're done...!

Thats my polite



preds 06-21-20
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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York

Exactly, that's how those kind of people get ahead in the world

I shudder to think how they will fare in the next world.

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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York

I started watching this show from the first i didn't care for Frederick...but he has turned out to be my favorite.................Ryan is so so...................I personally can't stand the addition of Steve a year or two back...he is

so totally full of himself...................watching the new show it seems Luis is coming back...........he was just so slick and thinking he could charm everyone in the beginning...but as time went on and he started losing confidence he actually started to be a nice guy.......................hoping if he returns he returns with the new attitude and not as the old Luis.

If Frederick moves to the LA show....prob won't watch the NY show anymore................may watch him in LA....used to watch the LA show a few years back and enjoyed Josh

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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York

He will be coming up against some heavy hitters in Cal. Those Josh brothers for one. Tracy is still in Dubai, India don't care for her at all.

Great she's a career woman ! Yay ! for her, but, as a mother she's a dud.

Cost her a husband. She shouldn't had kids.   Sad.


Some people just never have enough it seems always grabbing and grabbing for some more loot. We just want to be comfortable don't have to

make millions a yr and pay all those taxes. LOL



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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York 2019



here is the million dollar listing NY thread! Smiley Happy

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York 2019

@sunshine45 wrote:



here is the million dollar listing NY thread! Smiley Happy

Thanks @sunshine45!

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Re: Million Dollar Listings New York

@sissel wrote:

Fredrik was on WWHL with Andy Cohen he does live in Calif. now but said he is bi coastal which after awhile all that traveling & his beautiful twins in Calif will get too much. I was thinking the same thing that maybe he will just go to Million Dollar Listings in LA makes sense. Luis is back so maybe he will replace Fredrik on that show. I would like to see Fredrik compete with the Josh's that would be fun. 

Yes I agree.  Having Fredrik move out to LA and compete with the LA crew would be the best! And I have a feeling it will eventually happen.  


I did not anticipate him ever thinking of moving out to California.  Well now with the kids it makes sense though.  Derek is a laid back artist type.



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Registered: ‎07-10-2019

Re: Million Dollar Listings New York

Also just watched last Thursday's episode of Millionaire listing.  I follow both LA and NYC and

enjoy them alot.  The beautiful real estate they sell

makes it worthwhile if nothing else.


I'm a little surprised that Fredrik is moving to California but on second thought now that he has kids sounds like a great move.


I too hope he join''s the LA cast!  It will be interesting to see him go up against both Josh's!


Luis has changed dramatically.  Not sure if he has

matured or if it's the depression that did it.  He used to go-go-go high energy but now he's very laid back.  He's a Dad as well now too. Time will tell

with Luis.  It was admirable that his assistant now

broker Ronita kept his name alive in NYC for the past 2 years.


Now on to Steve Gold.  Oh my, I've had a huge crush on him since day one and he better stay on the show!