As much as I'd like to see them stay together I think he's just too darn lazy to work on this relationship. I don't think he's what she wants.
I think she's a real woman. She knows what she wants and he just wants to be comfortable in Momma's house and hanging with his brother and mother and niece.
He's lazy. It's very obvious. She's willing to give him another chance but he's going to have to woo (is that how you spell it) her (romance her, win her) and I don't think he's willing to invest the time and effort. He's an OK guy but I sure wouldn't want him at all.
My husband was 18 when we got married. He was a real man. I'd have been like Jacklyn and chewed him up. My personality is very much like her's and my husband's was like Ryan's but he was a real man.