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@chickenbutt wrote:

I love that they have spoiler tagging on this board now.  I really hope that people will decide to actually use it, when posting spoiler information in a non-spoiler headed thread.  Smiley Happy


It's a great tool and that way people don't have to worry about coming across unexpected spoilers.


Just click on the yellow circle with some picture in it that I can't figure out (the fifth symbol on the tool bar from the left end) and then just type any spoiler info in that.


That will make what you typed in that part of the post invisible unless somebody wants to click on it and that will show the dialogue.    This is one step into the 21st century for this board.  Smiley Happy

Thank you so much for teaching me how to use that spoiler feature.  I love it!!!!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I'm looking foward to tonight's episode.  However, these shows are so heavily audited, it's going to be hard to know what is really happening.


Also, it was taped a while back.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I was just listening to "The Talk" (I don't know how I end up watching this show as I can't stand the audience).  Anyway, they just commented on Married at First Sight and talked about Jessica posting a restraining order from Ryan.  He put the actual paper up on his website!


So Sara Gilbert on the show said she watches it every week and likes the show.  She said this girl saw all of the red flags and still stayed together.  Julie Chin said, "I thought they had to stay together?"  Sara said, "Only for the first few weeks".  She said she's watched it since the first show and last season there were couples who couldn't stand each other and they are happily married.


Then Joan River's daughter (who is being a guest panelist, whatever it's called) and she said she was actually asked to be on the show!!  She said, " thanks"!  Interesting hugh?



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Posts: 384
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
I can't wait for tonight! A spoiler site said it's going to be pretty ugly. Drug use, cheating, threats of violence maybe even one of the contestants being gay or bisexual. The "experts" really dropped the ball this season in their rush to do a new group of couples quickly. Scarey.
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I'm looking forward to it too.  However, I guess it is taped and edited so I wonder how up to date it is.


I wonder if anyone here subscribes to any of them's twitter site?

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A note to those who have it set on their DVR.  I am on the west coast and I had mine set to record at six.  As of yesterday it was there because I checked to see what night it was on.  Today I was checking what I have set to record tonight and noticed it was gone.  On checking the listings I discovered the six o'clock showing is now gone for that time.  Also, I didn't realize, but it looks like part two is also being aired tonight.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010 has another article about Jess and Ryan.  It's ugly at this follow-up show.  It will be interesting to see what they show on tv.

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@Wsmom wrote: has another article about Jess and Ryan.  It's ugly at this follow-up show.  It will be interesting to see what they show on tv.

Just doing doing a test on quoting a post.  I am as frustrated with this da*n new improved k r a p as everyone else.
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It appears that they are mainly the couple to be making all of the headlines.  She seemed like a nice person who got mixed up with a nut.


I realize we only saw a few minutes each week, but if being honest he showed his true colors very quickly.  What did he say, "You're're nothing to me".  Whoa!  I was married for 38 years when my husband died (we were only 18 and 19 years old) but I can tell you if he'd have told me at any time I was 'nothing', well, that would have been a good indication of the kind of person he was.


She just didn't seem to have very good radar.  She kept ignoring the signs.  She even talked about the signs several times.  I think they were in 'lust' with each other.  They couldn't wait to do the deed.  I would have thought they'd have at least waiting a minute or two!  Ha!


It's sad that this is happening.  It seems (key word) that she is really getting the raw end of this.


I kept thinking, "Business??  What kind of business is he doing?"  They never said.  With the other two one was a realestate agent and the other was a nurse.


What do you guys think?

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I just sat through last weeks episode.  These people are amazing liars.