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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!

A great choice to fill in for Wendy!

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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!



@lulu1 I saw him with Kelly and was sure he would be the pick. Bet she is sorry now. He is very witty, I really think he should have his own show. 


I read Ryan Seacrest was Michael Gelman's choice.

@lulu1 I guess it would be since he is the producer. Well, bet he wished he picked Jerry. BTW, saw him on Brovo last night, so funny and cute.

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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!


Like Jerry very much. I think he is funny, has a great smile and is charismatic. Can't say any of those about Ryan Seacrest.


Wonder if their ratings have gone down. 

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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!

Jerry Oconnell and Rebecca Romijn are such a gorgeous couple too....I love him, and he was great in the that movie Obsession with Edris Elba and Beyonce.......

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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!




@lulu1 I saw him with Kelly and was sure he would be the pick. Bet she is sorry now. He is very witty, I really think he should have his own show. 


I read Ryan Seacrest was Michael Gelman's choice.

@lulu1 I guess it would be since he is the producer. Well, bet he wished he picked Jerry. BTW, saw him on Brovo last night, so funny and cute.


@panda1234- Kelly won't be happy with any co-host, period. She wants the show for herself so she can shine as the only star.


I'm not a fan, so I won't say any more about her, but I do agree that Jerry O'Connell is adorable!

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!


@lulu1 I saw him with Kelly and was sure he would be the pick. Bet she is sorry now. He is very witty, I really think he should have his own show. 

@panda1234@lulu1I think that was part of the problem with Kelly, Jerry would have overshadowed her!!!  He was terririfc on Live!. With the show now,  Ryan & Kelly are sort of on an even playing ground.

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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!


Who is Wendy?



Thank you for asking ..... I was wondering the same thing.

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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!

@lovesallanimals Last night he was on (with Doritt of Real Housewives) "Watch What Happens" with Andy Cohen on Bravo.


He was funny on there too.  I don't know if his fans realize this but he and his wife are avid watchers of all of the Housewives' shows!  He can answer any question about any of the shows and the people (men and women) on them.


There are several well known people who are really 'into' the Housewives shows.  There are several males who are into the Housewives show.


I don't know if you know Michael Rappaport.  I'll post a picture of him.  He's even more of a fan than Jerry and his wife are.  He's often on "Watch What Happens".  Here's a picture of Michael Rappaport.  He's been in a lot of movies and TV shows and is pretty well known.

Michael Rapaport

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Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!


Jerry Oconnell and Rebecca Romijn are such a gorgeous couple too....I love him, and he was great in the that movie Obsession with Edris Elba and Beyonce.......

@CANDLEQUEEN  they played opposite one another in a Hallmark Channel movie taking place in Paris,"Love Locks" (i think that was the name). it comes on every once in a while. kind of fun, especially since they are married.

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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

Re: Jerry O'Connell Standing in for Wendy - GREAT!

He is really funny. I thought for sure Kelly would have chosen him for her co host.