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Re: I'm tired of being told....

I get what many of you are saying.  The commercials, etc are getting to be extremely repeptetive and they are on every single channel it seems.  I made a conscious decision to watch less live TV and rely on my DVR and Netflix.  My partner was actually very mad at me to be playing the news when he got home the other night!  I agreed I turn it off when he comes home, or just not watch much of it at all. I try to only see the first few minutes to get whatever updates I might need to know. I think the tv networks are trying to keep people from falling into a massive slump of despair and depression with their words, and they've run out of creative ways to say something positive.  But even if you find it annoying, wouldn't it be worse if they did the opposite?  And said things about how lonely, depressed, desperate they feel and how it seems it will never end and they're terrified of dying alone in a hospital and being dumped in a refrigerated truck?  So I guess it's not that bad what they're doing!  

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Re: I'm tired of being told....

@GinaV24 wrote:

Thanks for saying that Stevie, I feel the same way. there is nothing normal about this and by their use of that term, it makes me feel this will never end. I don't want to be negative and yes we need to take precautions.


The global economy has done great things for us, hasn't it?


Celebrities, shopping channels and news programs all saying we are in this together annoy the heck out of me. Bah!


Hope you and your family are safe.


@GinaV24  If I had a dollar for every time I've thought the same thing about that often touted global economy and all the 'hands across the water' claptrap, I'd be in a far better place than I am... I sincerely hope all those who supported it and everything that went with it are now fully satisfied...  And yes, the 'we're all in this together' mantra is not only a bucket of hooey, but it's already become trite...


You too, ole buddy, do take care...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: I'm tired of being told....

I wonder if those employing all these little homilies as part of their ad campaigns realize how disingenuous they appear when they put forth their little mantra of choice and then immediately launch into their sales pitch... For some reason Sprint and Dodge are coming immediately to mind...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: I'm tired of being told....

@stevieb wrote:

Add me to the 'new normal' haters list. To me, this sanctions the situation when there is not now and never will be anything 'normal' about living the way we're currently being forced to live. If this doesn't serve as a wake-up call to us as a country, as states, and as individuals that we need a better plan going forward then I don't know what to think... This is not normal and it shouldn't be allowed to be portrayed as normal...


Bravo - well said!!!!!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: I'm tired of being told....

@Grouchomarx wrote:

I get what many of you are saying.  The commercials, etc are getting to be extremely repeptetive and they are on every single channel it seems.  I made a conscious decision to watch less live TV and rely on my DVR and Netflix.  My partner was actually very mad at me to be playing the news when he got home the other night!  I agreed I turn it off when he comes home, or just not watch much of it at all. I try to only see the first few minutes to get whatever updates I might need to know. I think the tv networks are trying to keep people from falling into a massive slump of despair and depression with their words, and they've run out of creative ways to say something positive.  But even if you find it annoying, wouldn't it be worse if they did the opposite?  And said things about how lonely, depressed, desperate they feel and how it seems it will never end and they're terrified of dying alone in a hospital and being dumped in a refrigerated truck?  So I guess it's not that bad what they're doing!  

There is a third choice, and that's for them to not say anything at all. That would be fine with me!

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Re: I'm tired of being told....

@stevieb wrote:

@GinaV24 wrote:

Thanks for saying that Stevie, I feel the same way. there is nothing normal about this and by their use of that term, it makes me feel this will never end. I don't want to be negative and yes we need to take precautions.


The global economy has done great things for us, hasn't it?


Celebrities, shopping channels and news programs all saying we are in this together annoy the heck out of me. Bah!


Hope you and your family are safe.


@GinaV24  If I had a dollar for every time I've thought the same thing about that often touted global economy and all the 'hands across the water' claptrap, I'd be in a far better place than I am... I sincerely hope all those who supported it and everything that went with it are now fully satisfied...  And yes, the 'we're all in this together' mantra is not only a bucket of hooey, but it's already become trite...


You too, ole buddy, do take care...



We're in this together -- just stay the h_ll away from each other!!!  Yes, something is just a tad disingenuous...

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Re: I'm tired of being told....

@Ladybug724 wrote:

@Grouchomarx wrote:

I get what many of you are saying.  The commercials, etc are getting to be extremely repeptetive and they are on every single channel it seems.  I made a conscious decision to watch less live TV and rely on my DVR and Netflix.  My partner was actually very mad at me to be playing the news when he got home the other night!  I agreed I turn it off when he comes home, or just not watch much of it at all. I try to only see the first few minutes to get whatever updates I might need to know. I think the tv networks are trying to keep people from falling into a massive slump of despair and depression with their words, and they've run out of creative ways to say something positive.  But even if you find it annoying, wouldn't it be worse if they did the opposite?  And said things about how lonely, depressed, desperate they feel and how it seems it will never end and they're terrified of dying alone in a hospital and being dumped in a refrigerated truck?  So I guess it's not that bad what they're doing!  

There is a third choice, and that's for them to not say anything at all. That would be fine with me!

I agree.  Not mentioning it would be fine with me.


I saw a brief interview clip featuring Dr. Ben Carson who pointed out that about 98% of the people who get COVID-19 will recover, and between 1/4 and 1/2 of all people who get it are asymptomatic.  He said, "We can't operate out of hysteria."  IMO these commericials, along with a lot of the news reports, reinforce that hysteria instead of making one feel comforted.  

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Re: I'm tired of being told....

And it's for these and so many other reasons, that the ad agencies are on my hot list for being among the very lowest of the bottom feeders...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: I'm tired of being told....

[ Edited ]

Did you every wonder how all these commercials were made?  It takes more than one person to film a commercial.  Usually it's a crew.  Hmmmmm, were they all practicing and i'm gonna say it, "social distancing" while creating these?  It's gotten so old it's stale already.  And the new slogan now I'm hearing, We're doing our part!  Bragging now.  A certain Q host just said it.

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Re: I'm tired of being told....

@cornicopia ...I loved the twilight zone when I was a kid..It came on at 7 pm weeknights in my area, scared the daylights out of me, but I faithfully watched it.