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Good luck, gamey. You'll be able to 'see clearly now, with no obstacles in your way.'

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Hi Game On, I also wanted to stop by and let you know that I will be praying for you for your surgery on Monday! God bless you, friend! {#emotions_dlg.wub}Panda

I'm not short...I'm fun size!
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Sending ((hugs)) and hoping for a quick, painless, and successful procedure, Gamey! You will be back to normal in no time!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

gamey - wishing you good luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery!!

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Thanks to all of you. I am a little nervous.... I guess that is normal.

Wondering what you all are up to this week end. It looks like we are going to have sunny weather.

Susie... how is the house shopping going? Are you missing DGS?

Danky.... loved your singing! could picture it! lol.... did you get more snow? you had a long trip in that snowy weather... I am hoping you are safe...

Panda.... did you have time off this week? I thought about that after you posted; you usually just post on the weekends.

Juda... are you getting spring?

twinnie... hoping you are staying warm.... I was thinking about your DBF.... he must be a treasure.... to help you with your caregiving, at times.... I am happy for you.... it is so difficult to do alone....

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Registered: ‎05-14-2011

Hi Game! No weekdays off yet. Surgery and spring break coming up in April. I have been trying to check in more often during the week here. It sure helps to take my mind off of a stressful day to have nice, calm conversations!Smile It also helps to talk with friends over the age of 6 (although those conversations can be very interesting)!{}

I will definitely pray that the surgery is successful and you will get better very soon!

You will be in my thoughts on Monday. I also want to say hi to Danky, Suzie, Jud and Twin! I hope all is well this weekend. Hopefully spring weather will arrive and stay very soon!

God bless everyone here! Have a blessed weekend, friends!


I'm not short...I'm fun size!
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Registered: ‎06-23-2010

game-on, Sending you and your medical team lots of positive energy. All the very best to you on Monday, and in the following days. You'll have many people thinking of you ---- there's power in numbers!!

♥ Life is beauty full ♥
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Hello, apparently the account for the Danky thread has been closed poof gone,do we want to start here again and never mention the name that caused such a rucus? I am willing if anyone else wants to,just ignore bad behavior, I come in peace. tucka.Also how can we let the others know we are here?

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Hi tucka - I just noticed that the other thread is gone - strange. I am happy to post here if others are too.