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@Kachina624 wrote:

Youll never convince me that these situation aren't made up, scripted, rehearsed and filmed.  I don't buy one minute of Dr. PHIL. 



I watched early on but then he started promoting his wife's products and his son's books, and more what I call Dr. Phil promotion....and the situations became more and more bizarre and seemed staged and melodramatic it started to be more like Jerry Springer (the TV promos were all i saw from that show which was enough for me) .....  So I stopped watching Dr. Phil altogether and started watching The Bob Newhart Show---a much better experience....  A fictional Dr. Hartley was a better psychologist than Dr. Phil...😄😄😄

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I wish Dr. Phil would just go away.....

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@Spurt  @DiAnne    I've never been a Dr. PHIL fan.  Watch snippets when I'm changing channels, just enough to convince me my instincts were correct. 

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I watched the show On Demand and was pleased to see that the family acted mature about the situation.  Out of all of 'em I thought the mother probably needed the most "help".  She was an enabler with a capital "E"!!


The daughter was going to college and getting her degree so she wasn't a lay-a-bout.  The son was a handsome young man and not a smart aleck, and the oldest daughter with the baby seemed mature as well.  Everyone but the mother seemed to at least have some sense.


So often the people on his daytime show don't appear to resolve anything.  This show was different in that they actually followed his advice and did the exercises to help bring the family back together.  The father seemed genuinely sorry and just didn't realize how deeply he hurt his kids mentally when they were younger.  I was pleased there was a happy outcome.

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@jellyBEAN  I was glad they resolved their issues too. I don't think the father realized how his anger affected his family. They all seemed like very nice people. I felt for the son as well. 

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@Kachina624  It always cracks me up that these people get their "years" old issues resolved in an hour TV show (probably more like 30 minutes with commercials).  This guy is a miracle worker!!!  Why go to any other psychiatrists?  Dr Phil can wrap up your issues in 30 minutes!  These people got paid, and went back to their lives period.  Nothing gets "resolved".   Dr. Phil didn't "solve" anything.  It makes for entertainment TV for those that enjoy watching other people with family issues.  He is no better than any of the "reality" TV shows.  Dialogue is staged and planned, the people know where to "storm" off the stage (the camera man is always right there waiting lol).  Nope, don't like him, don't believe him.  

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I've wondered what happened to the Dr. Phil family?

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I would not waste one minute of my time watching this quack!