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Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

And the normal pattern repeats. After their thrilling trip to Oxnard, California to see the Dallas Cowboys in training camp, Christine, Frankie, and Caleb returned to the house and started plotting. Christine was holding firm in her plan to put up Victoria and the house was more or less in agreement with this until it became clear that Derrick would rally the votes to keep Victoria. They then decided that Nicole was the source of all evil in the world and must go up.

To convince Christine to break her word to Nicole they paraded up one by one and assured her that Nicole was planning to backdoor Christine if she had stayed HOH and Frankie had come down. (Something Nicole herself told Christine earlier, but they didn't know that.) When that wasn't working so well, they switched tactics to reminding Christine how important it was for the Bomb Squad to make the final six together and threatened that if she didn't put up Nicole it would be proof that she was working with Nicole and that they'd nominate Christine next week to split them up. Caleb went so far as to remind her that "the guys" were all sticking together to the end and she shouldn't cross them. (Here's a radical thought, put up one of "the guys" and keep your ally. If Christine checked inside her pants she'd likely notice she wasn't "a guy" and therefore at great risk.)

In an effort to point out how dangerous Nicole was they reminded Christine that Nicole would likely win every other HOH the rest of the way and that was too dangerous for her. (Why exactly is it dangerous to have an ally winning HOH?)

So, at least to their faces, Christine has now agreed to nominate Nicole at the POV ceremony today and work to get her evicted so the house can finally calm down. (Yeah, right.) Frankie's continuing to live in the HOH room, which (at least in his mind) is his right since if he hadn't won the BOTB Christine wouldn't have had it anyway. The house pretty much all hates Frankie and wants him gone, but is letting him control things for now for some reason. Even Derrick is largely ceding power to Frankie now.

I don't think Christine is overly happy with how things are going right now, but she seems to be giving in to the bullying and giving the boys what they want. So by the end of the day we're likely to have Nicole and Donny back on the block with one of them (likely Nicole) leaving this week. I'll post back after the POV ceremony. Maybe Christine will grow a pair and make a bold move, but I doubt it. Maybe she'll pop Derrick up on the block and remind everyone of how hard he'd be to beat at the end and hope she can get the votes to oust him, and if not, pray Nicole wins HOH next week and keeps her safe. It would be a bold move and could change the household dynamics, but no one (other than Nicole) has tried to make a big move this year. They've just been content to pick off the weak and leave the stronger players untouched.

From a purely tactical standpoint, you should keep the harmless idiots and get rid of the strong players if you want to win the half million. None of these players has much in the way of tactical expertise however. One would think Caleb's military training would have him aware that you can more easily defeat an enemy by killing the commander than an unarmed private, but no, they keep picking off the harmless house guests and leaving the threats.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

aaarrggghhhh! Frankie is just the worst ever. Nicole is at least trying to play now. Why girls don't feel strong enough to go against the guys instead of trying to align with their alliances is beyond me.It's too bad blue haired girl could not have convinced those girls of this. I just want Frankie Grande to make a ""grand-eh"" exit asap.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

I don't get it they all hate Frankie why will they not back door him?

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

My goodness, the bullying going on in this game. Feel so sorry for the girls. I sure can wait till the boys turn on each other. Getting so tired of Frankie and long for the day Julie says....Frankie, you're evicted. You have one minute to pick up your bag and go out the door.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

They'd love to backdoor Frankie this week, but since he won BOTB he's immune. I wouldn't count on BB letting Frankie leave any time soon.
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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

On 8/11/2014 gardenman said: They'd love to backdoor Frankie this week, but since he won BOTB he's immune. I wouldn't count on BB letting Frankie leave any time soon.

Oh thanks gardenman I am still not getting this whole BOTB and it's rules I was wondering why he was not considered. Ha ha now it makes sense no more yelling at the TV for me!

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

Last night on BBAD, I wasn't understanding all the talk of how Nicole supposedly said she would backdoor Christine, and I'm still not understanding how that would have been possible. How would Nicole have been able to backdoor Christine, as Nicole was no longer HOH after Frankie won BOTB?

Or are they referring to the future (i.e. if Nicole wins HOH again, she will backdoor Christine)?

eta: Or are they saying if Frankie & Caleb had lost BOTB, AND if Frankie was taken off the block by POV, Nicole would have backdoored Christine?

(I'm now thinking it was the last scenario? TIA for any help in clarifying this for me).

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

Expect Julie to have less concealer on Wednesday night. Les Moonves is sleeping soundly.

Wonder if Frankie will cruise to the end because people secretly want different things from him (have Ari listen to my songs; tickets to an Ari concert for a little sister, with backstage passes; an introduction to so and so, whatever). People who go on BB are fame ho's and they may be drunk on the fumes of Frankie's perceived fame.

And even if he is evicted the comp to get back in will probably be a dance contest, LOL.

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

You would think this girl is a real talent like say Beyonce. What is wrong with these people?

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Re: Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 8/11/2014!!!

On 8/11/2014 Caravaggio said:

You would think this girl is a real talent like say Beyonce. What is wrong with these people?

Not like Beyonce. More like Rebecca Black and Carly Rae Jepsen, pop stars long on popularity and short on talent.

Just read Miss Cleo called b.s. on the BOTB. I'm surprised, coming from him. I don't see how production could have manipulated Frankie's win.