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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@JYWilliams wrote:

I enjoyed the original Star Trek but never really got into the ones that followed.

@JYWilliams Welcome!🥰 It took awhile for me also, but my dear brother was and IS a HUGE fan, and I became one by default I suppose!😂


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

I never got into the series.  Back then it seemed to be more of a boy thing.  As an adult, I've watched some of the movies but wouldn't necessarily call myself a fan. 

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@AZfem wrote:

Captain Kirk, the original was it for me. 


Never really got into any of the spin offs as I liked the original cast so much. 


Didn't start watching the show til it went into sindication. 

@AZfem Welcome!🥰 Yay! Another Kirk fan!!!✨


I never thought I would like the others, but once I began watching them, I was hooked!😁 The sets were more realistic, costumes were nicer, and the special effects were AMAZING, with excellent writing, directing and acting!


If you are ever bored and looking for something fresh, I suggest giving Star Trek Next Generation with the sexy captain Jean-Luc Picard played by Patrick Stewart. a try!🥰

If ever you do, please let me know what you think!😊


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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I discovered Star Trek with the Next Gen. series . I loved Capt. Picard, " Make it so ! "

@QVCkitty1 Welcome!🥰 Yessss! He is my number 2 choice! Let us not forget his famous..."Engage".😁 Although other captains have said it, I LOVED❤️ the authoritative manner in which he did!😊


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@haddon9 wrote:

For me a tie between Captain Kirk and Captain Jean-Luc Picard!

@haddon9 Welcome!🥰 I think that is fair!😁


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

Old treckie fan here of the orginal series of course I like Captain Kirk.

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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@Bookplate wrote:

Yes, the original series, and Picard and Janeway.  I was moved from the beginning by the philosophy underlying the series - that by working harmoniously, humanity, and even non-humans, can be stronger together.  There was no racism or sexism on the Enterprise - just equality and cooperation, and a striving for exploration, but not conquest. What a concept!

@Bookplate Welcome!🥰 It was INDEED a novel concept that flourished on the Enterprise!❤️


Conversely, on Deep Space Nine, the USS Defiant had Ferengi males that were very much sexist, and EXTEREMELY capitalistic by nature, but the Ferengi women gained their rights in an extremely well written episode; particularly something as fundamental as the right to wear clothes!👍 That episode brilliantly captured the very essence of liberation! The look on Quark's face was priceless!😁


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

Beat Captain is STNG's Jean-Luc Picard.
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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@Puggywuggy wrote:
I'm also a Trekky from the original (who could forget The Trouble With Tribbles?!) to all that followed...Live Long And Prosper my fellow fans!

@Puggywuggy Welcome!🥰 Yessssss! I am virtually doing the Vulcan greeting with my hand to you!😂 I watched the Tribble episode Thursday evening and STILL find it enjoyable!😁 It ranks among the top 3 of my all-time favorite episodes!❤️


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Are You A STAR TREK Fan..Past Or Present? Best captain?

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

I never got into the series.  Back then it seemed to be more of a boy thing.  As an adult, I've watched some of the movies but wouldn't necessarily call myself a fan. 

@JeanLouiseFinch Welcome!🥰 I went through a dry spell and did not watch it for a time, but it drew me back in!😁


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖