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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

Oh boy. Who ya gonna believe?

Ally says she was raped.

Tripp says he didn't sleep with her.

Guess I will have to stay tuned for the outcome of this story. 






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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

I don't really care for the he said/she said direction that the Allie and Tripp story is taking. Poor baby Henry.

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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

I thought I posted this but I guess it didn't go through:


Since when does anyone bring a healthy baby to a hospital to visit someone??  How stupid was that???  And then, after the visit, Brady and Kristen sit and smooch at the nurses' station, watching Rachel sleep.  


Too bad Sarah wasn't around.  She sure misses little Mickey.   But wait - she could have been the perfect one to help raise baby Rachel/Mickey when/if Kristen goes to prison.  NOT


Still can't stand the kissing sounds and the bed scenes.  Takes up too much of my valuable time....

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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

I believe Tripp when he said nothing happened, someone else must be the Baby Daddy and Allie was too drunk to remember, all they need is a paternity test. And maybe that is why the baby came early, maybe it was really on time, she just doesnt remember. 

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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

@sophiamarie wrote:

I thought I posted this but I guess it didn't go through:


Since when does anyone bring a healthy baby to a hospital to visit someone??  How stupid was that???  And then, after the visit, Brady and Kristen sit and smooch at the nurses' station, watching Rachel sleep.  


Too bad Sarah wasn't around.  She sure misses little Mickey.   But wait - she could have been the perfect one to help raise baby Rachel/Mickey when/if Kristen goes to prison.  NOT


Still can't stand the kissing sounds and the bed scenes.  Takes up too much of my valuable time....

@sophiamarie   You can't stand the kissing sounds and bed scenes?  You didn't mention that same old irritating baby cooing noises that ALL babies in Salem make no matter how young or old they are.  That same one and only sound effect.  Snort snort snort snort sniffle sniffle snort snort.  So let's talk about Allie now.  I think she's a good actress, but I think she cranes her neck out a lot.  I can't tell if she's hunched or has a hunch.  And how old is she supposed to be?  Is she a teen like 17 or older like 20?  Nicole sure has the baby thing down pat - not a toy or messy area in sight.  No bottles laying around, no blankies.  

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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

I don't believe we've been told how old Allie is, but she is definitely 18 or older.  She mentioned she was an adult and that Sami had no say in what she does.

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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

[ Edited ]

@MamaWick wrote:

I don't believe we've been told how old Allie is, but she is definitely 18 or older.  She mentioned she was an adult and that Sami had no say in what she does.

When she first came on the show she mentioned one day that she finished college, so I am guessing about 22 or 23. . And it was last year that she was already out drinking quite a bit in public places, assuming she was carded legally.  

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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

I really don't care for this story at it will having a big split in both families taking sides..  plus friends vs friends!


Just do a paternity test on baby,Alli and Tripp...and  then find out that it's somone else that fathered the baby!

preds 06-21-20
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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

We just watched a movie, our Netflix by mail movie, and Stacy Haiduk (Kristen) was in it. But she had black hair. I looked her up and I guess it's her natural color. 


   Also in the movie (which I'm sure was a tv movie) was one of My Three Sons. I spotted him immediately. He was the young one with dark hair, glasses, and kind of buck teeth. He's bald now and his teeth are normal, lol.


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Re: All Things DAYS--OCTOBER 2020 (Possible spoilers)

Quite frankly I think Nic should butt out, it appears she is the one pushing rape and putting her nose in where it does not belong.Shades of Samie!!  She may be curious about the Daddy but she is going overboard for someone whose helping Allie out, non judgemental and not her Mother.  When Tripp told his Dad he had not slept with Allie I could see that a DNA test is in the works. but not before Tripp is arrested and we have a trial. Good grief why can't things be simple in Salem? And what is the point of Tripp and Allie both coming home at the same time?