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Anyone watching this jerk Sinjin ?  I think he just wanted to get to the US and never planned to stay with his wife (can't think of her name right now)  He's leaving her, they are getting a divorce and he's saying he thinks they need to go their separate ways BUT he still loves her. She's broken hearted doesn't want to break up but she has to let him go.  I think his tears are fake and now .that he has accomplished his goal of staying in the US he's ready to play around.  Anyone else questioning his motives? 

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I'm not watching the show but remember him for prior seasons. I've read Tania now claims he was abusive. Also that he met someone else and she also claimed he abused her. The new woman also said he didn't want to work and was an alcoholic. She got rid of him.

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@colliemom4wrote: I'm not watching the show but remember him for prior seasons. I've read Tania now claims he was abusive. Also that he met someone else and she also claimed he abused her. The new woman also said he didn't want to work and was an alcoholic. She got rid of him.



Thanks, I hadn't heard that but I'm not surprised !  He should be shipped right back to South Africa where I believe he came from.

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I recorded tonight's show and have been watching.


I always thought he was a complete pig. It was clear that Tania was just a ticket to the U.S. I hope he goes back where he came from so he can pollute his own country. He was a drunk and a bum. I totally believe that he was abusive.

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Never marry the guy you party with...............they oftem don't stop. 

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I never liked that guy.  Good riddance, just wonder what happens regarding her mother "sponsoring" him.

......You look like I need a drink.....
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@cindyNC wrote:

Never marry the guy you party with...............they oftem don't stop. 

Rule number 2, never think you can change a man.  When Tania met him she partying at a bar and I believe he was bar tender.  She moved in with him quickly and all they did was party.  I remember when he first moved here she letf him to go to another country to learn about natural healing and she was partying.  I guess the difference for her its just a party for him it is his life style.  He never wanted to work from what I remember and he did miss South Africa because he said it was a slower pace.  He was hesitant about coming here.  I am not sure how all these people stay here when they break up with the people who brought them here, I do know that they say you are responsible for these people for 10 years.  How is Natalie affording to stay in Florida when she and MIke are divorced.  I am sure Florida is not cheap.  Same with Paola, remember her.  I hear she is divorced and still here.  She was in Florida too, she wanted to be a model.  I believe she had plastic surgery and who knows what else.  These guys do not have that kind of money.

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Re: 90 Day The Single Life

[ Edited ]

A major point of conflict between Tania and Syngin, at least in the beginning, was his firmly expressed desire to not have kids.  She really wanted them.  She also wanted him to grow up and get a job.


He really was pretty useless.  Will never forget when Tania's mom came home from work and found the guy had polished off some of her liquor while she was at work.

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Re: 90 Day The Single Life

[ Edited ]

@sunshine 919 I disliked Paola from day 1. When she and Russ were staying with his family and she came down to breakfast in that very skimpy outfit, they were all ashamed. It would have been fine for just her and Russ but not in front of his parents. She had quite a "modeling" career so I'm sure she has money and likely he is paying child support. 


Now to Debbie: That outfit looked awful on her . She's 70 trying to look 30 and it didn't work. It's fine that she got her hair and makeup done but that short skirt and that white top that showed all her lumps was not attractive at all.


And that guy Jay? What a dope. And he didn't even open the car door for her!!


Can't wait to see what happens next with these two. I wonder if he's ever been married.


And Natalie needs some intense therapy and someone to teach her how to dress. IMO she is just plain nuts.

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I can't stand Paola. She's mean and controlling. She's still here and is a trashy wrestler now.

