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90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

Wow is all I can say, not really! I will start by saying that IMO Jibri is the biggest a hole and jerk in that group. Just who does he think he is? His parents, with good reason IMO, did not attend his wedding. His wife is the most egotistical, self-centered woman I've seen on that show in a long time. Who is he to tell other couples that they "won't work out'?


I'd be suprised if he and that horrible Miona last a year.


OK people, any thoughts? Lots going on last night but to me he is the WORST! And I still think Mohamed made a big mistake in marrying Yve.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

I have been shocked that several of the couples went ahead with marriages, because at least 4 of them do not seem to be suited for each other (IN MY OPINION!)   


The Bilal guy and his wife and the Jibri couple and the couple that now have the two little kids (can't think of their names, lived on horse farm).


Does anyone know if the Samoan guy and his wife with the 2 little boys from a couple of seasons ago are still together?  I didn't think they would make it either.  


I wondered all along why many, many of these couples could not have found mates in their own countries instead of marrying into such different cultures than what they were raised in.  Oh well, none of my business, I guess!!

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

Jibri is a brat.

My daughter is convinced that Bilal had a vasectomy and that's the reason he won't give Shaeed an answer about kids.

Patrick needs to go back to biology class, he has it, it was just all dead. 

Kobe should have ran while he had the chance, same for Guillermo.

I just don't like Mohammed or Yve.

I guess Biniyam has high hopes of becoming a big monry winning fighter.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

[ Edited ]

It became so obvious early on that it was all about who could steal the limelight and Jibri was well prepared to hog it. Lost interest about an hour in and never looked back.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

I think Jibri took on a whole different 'persona'  in the 'tell all' .  Prior to that, I thought he was a level headed guy but I think he 'put on the dog', so to speak during the 'tell all' so as to draw attention to himself and perhaps ''get his name out there'' in other avenues.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

Jibri is the worst.  He really made a fool of himself with his comments.  I can't stand him.


I thought it was kind of fun that Kenny and Tim were there.  Then, when I watched Pillow Talk, I saw that Veronica was with Armando.  Also kind of fun.  You know, I just don't "get" Tim.  I know he's straight, but he does so much to make himself seem otherwise.  What the heck was with that outfit he had on last night?  


I didn't care for most of this group.  

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

[ Edited ]

I was surprised that Leandro, Ari's ex husband, was not on the Tell All. Perhaps he will show up next week. I guess Kara's old boyfriend and Jibri provided enough craziness for last night's episode. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

Yeah, my gaydar has always gone off a bit with Tim.  NTTAWWT, of course.  But I get the vibe that he feels he cannot be who he really is, and that is unfortunate.   I could be wrong.  I'm not writing that in stone.  Smiley Happy JMO


I do like Kenny, though, and really hope that he and Armando continue to be happy.  You know they love each other and are awesome parents to their little girl.  She's such a doll.


Jibri - really, dude?   He was so obnoxious and maybe he needs to stay in his own messed up lane.    I see what Sarah said in her post above about maybe it's just play to get attention.  Wasn't there some preview about him having lost his band and blaming her or something?  He does seem to like attention, which is evident in everything from his mouthiness to his clothes (I admit I kinda liked the sparkly jacket). 


Guillermo and Kara - Well, one thing they definitely have going for them is that they are a beautiful couple.  I loved her long hair!  When they showed her from behind it was just so lovely.  He is just about as cute as he can possibly be.   I wish the best, especially since they are having a kidlet.


But her ex-what a total jerkwad that guy is.  It was purely for idiotic manufactured drama that they even brought him in.  time to move on, dude.


Next wk I guess we'll see more with - geez, I can never remember her name.  Wife of Kobe.   I just cannot stand anything about her at all and continue to feel for him.  He really does seem like a good guy.


It is interesting to me that Mohamed seems to be coming around to opening up to the new culture, for the most part.  He still kinda creeps me out.


As to Patrick and S (I don't want to spell her name wrong, cuz that's rude) - He also still creeps me out but he doesn't seem like a bad guy.  I guess it's mostly looks for me.  Then there's brother John.  He creeps me out on EVERY level.  Since they've moved away I wonder if he has followed them.  I hope not.


Bilal - I think he's just in this narrow place where he needs to be in control.  Not sure how much she is accepting that, or if maybe he's backed off a bit.    I guess I cannot recall what the riff is between them and his ex.


That's all I remember for now.  I watched it like 4 hours ago and it doesn't take me long to forget a lot.  





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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

@123SuzyQ123 I *think*  I read online somewhere that Kelani and her husband had split but could be wrong.


None of those people should be married to each other.


I am skeptical of Thais. She IMO is hiding something and her father strikes me as a someone who is in the Brazilian mafia lol. He seems so evil.


I also  wonder why people can't find a permanent relationshp in their own country, and that goes for the Americans and those from other countries.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Tell All - Part 1

[ Edited ]

 Jibri apparently came to the studio with attitude and everything else needed to start  a fight except  boxing gloves.  Obnoxious little man. 


Supposedly he didn't have enough money saved up to give selfish Miona her desired beach wedding, but she and Jibri must spend plenty just to show up in matching jackets and coats repeatedly.


And what an ego that girl has.......preening and posing for those photos on wedding day.


I have read that many viewers enjoy watching Patrick's brother John, but I think John is obnoxious and  would be a huge problem to live with in the same household, not to mention a serious alcoholic.


Veronica and her extremely  loud exuberance have gotten to the point where I don't enjoy watching her.  I think she also sometimes annoys her buddy Tim.


The amount of "baiting" going on among the participants is  guaranteed to start fights.  If this wasn't acting for the sake of  drama, they all should separate and and move on.


I can't think of a single character in that cast that I actually like, except maybe Guillermo and Kobe.