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08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yesterday was a great day on the live feeds. We started out with Turner driving everyone crazy by waffling all over the place. He promised safety to everyone and seemed more likely to turn on the After Party (Kyle, Alyssa, Terrance, and himself) by putting up Terrance and Alyssa. Then gradually, he came around to keeping the After Party intact and adding Monte to it thus combining both The Pound (Turner, Monte, and Kyle) and the After Party into a new combined alliance. That made it a 5-3 fight in the house. The only question was which of the three (Taylor, Brittany, or Michael) to nominate. 


Pretty quickly he decided that he'd need to backdoor Michael, so Brittany and Taylor went on the block. Much to their shock and dismay. Tears flowed. "Why? What did we ever do to Turner?" Well, a lot. Brittany was assured she wasn't the target and that either Michael or Taylor would be the one going.


Michael and Brittany decided they needed allies and tried to recruit Alyssa, Turner, and Kyle. Yeah, a little too late there guys. The smugness that Taylor, Michael, and Brittany had shown last week as they plotted turning the others against one another as they meandered their way to the end was gone in a flash. They were in trouble, and they knew it.


Monte is in the "go with the flow" style of gameplay now and is with whichever side of the house he's talking to. With Turner as HOH, he's with Turner this week, though he's still talking with the others and acting like he's with them also. Monte is still likely to win the game, but he's got to start winning comps to be safe over the longer term.


Today we'll see the picking of the POV players. This is one of those weeks where you know the POV will be used. The nominations won't stay as Brittany and Taylor. One of them will come down. If either of them wins the POV, they'll use it on themselves. (Probably. More on that later.) If Michael is picked to play and wins the POV, he'll use it on Brittany. If anyone else wins the POV they'll use it on someone and replace them with Michael. The only way the POV isn't used this week is if Brittany wins it, knows Michael would be the replacement, and she assumes Taylor will go if she doesn't use it. Keeping yourself on the block after winning the POV is a Marcellus level of stupidity, but we've seen it done before. If she truly wants to save Michael and is sure Taylor is the target, she might be that dumb.


By the end of the day, we should know who won the POV and if it will be used. The only way it doesn't get used is if Brittany wins it and wants to save Michael more than she wants to stay in the game herself.


What will be the POV comp? They're expecting Zingbot. Julie typically tells us in advance when Zingbot is coming and she said nothing, so probably not Zingbot. Hide and Seek Veto would be my guess. It's quick to set up, and they had the yard tied up until late Thursday with the outsiders out there. They had to remove the mini-kitchen, porta-potties, reinstall the washer/dryer, and clean the yard back up after it was occupied for a week before they could even start setting up for the POV comp. Hide and Seek Veto only requires them creating booths for the houseguests which they can slap together quickly.


It's fun to see Alyssa and Terrance now having a chance to play the game. Both are doing very well now that they know what's happening. Alyssa was laughing with Turner upstairs after the nominations and telling him that this was the first time all season that she knew what was going to happen as she sat at the table. It's a lot more fun that way. Both are playing their part in the After Party and not spilling any secrets or letting others know what's happening. 


Who's going to win BB 24? My money would still be on Monte, but Turner, Kyle, and Alyssa are creeping up the likely winner chart. A Turner, Kyle, and Alyssa final three is looking more likely all the time. Alyssa has become less of a target for everyone, even Taylor. Taylor now accepts, or says she does anyway, that Alyssa was sorry and in tears after taking Taylor's prize, and says it was Joe who'd told her Alyssa was laughing about it and that's why Taylor wanted Alyssa out. The After Party has painted Joe as the liar of all liars at this point and most of the house is going along with that narrative. Whatever happens or happened, is/was Joe's fault.


I'll post back later after the picking of the POV players. Everyone went to sleep early last night so things should happen early today and it's likely to be a longer POV comp. Hide and Seek veto takes five or six hours sometimes if that's the comp. These houseguests have been looking for places to hide the veto since day one, so finding the vetos can take a while.

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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

As always, your assessment is "fire"!  I love Turner, I hope he wins.  He is only 23 years old and navigates the game pretty well for someone so young.  The arrogance displayed by the inside group last week makes their comeuppence very sweet. I don't really dislike anyone of them, just want to see a fun ending to a season that could have been boring.

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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

They still haven't picked the POV players yet. This is very late by BB standards.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The POV players have been picked! Terrance was not picked and is hosting the comp. It sounds like Michael, Monte, and Kyle got picked. I'm not sure about that, but we'll see.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Oops! It sounds like Alyssa is playing and Kyle isn't. He just told Terrance he wanted Terrance to do a good job entertaining him as he'd be the only one in the audience.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I'm so tired of Kyle and Alyssa. Just not that fun to watch now.  If Michael leaves don't care who wins. 

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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

If Michael wins POV and takes Brittney off the block will a pawn go up and Taylor will be gone? I can only hope.



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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!


@mspatmac wrote:

If Michael wins POV and takes Brittney off the block will a pawn go up and Taylor will be gone? I can only hope.



Monte could be at risk. He's volunteered to be a pawn if need be, and Terrance really wants Monte gone. Given a choice between keeping Taylor or keeping Monte they might keep Taylor. They all know Monte is a risk going forward.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Still no POV comp. Michael wants to win POV then win HOH next week and put up Kyle and Turner. I'd like to see Alyssa go on a roll and win POV then HOH.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 08/27/2022 Big brother 24 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman. I am wondering if Taylor is angry that Joe was voted out?  Does she talk about him getting voted out, or is she only worried about her own destiny?  I could never tell if she actually had a crush on him.