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Registered: ‎09-05-2015

Re: QVC dropped the ball!

[ Edited ]

 Yes, I would also be on it every day. If I wasn't in the hospital in congestive heart failure or in stage four kidney failure! You still don't listen do you? Sometimes life doesn't fit in your little box. That does not make me fiscally irresponsible.  And it doesn't give you the right to be judge and jury over someone else's life.  


 Once I figured out what was going on I set about to straighten the problem out. I have spent hours, literally hours trying to fix QVC's screwup. So, yes I am angry.  I don't have the energy to spend fixing their mistake. First I have to uncover it and then I have to fight to get my money back. It's my money.  They took it without my permission. They broke the agreement that they made with me that they even put in writing. They dropped the ball! 

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎08-22-2015

OP, this won't help you with your current issue, but for the future I would highly recommend using something other than the debit card that is attached to your bank account for your purchases. That way a mistake like this won't take your bill money when you aren't prepared for it. Use a regular credit card, get a secured card, or get a seperate account for Q purchases etc. that isn't tied to your main account. 


Also, if you haven't already done it, call your bank and see if they will release the pending authorization. Explain the issue. My bank has done that for me before, yours might, too. 


Good luck. 

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎09-05-2015

 No one will ever have access to my bank account again. So that's not going to be a problem. Thank you for understanding. If I ever order anything again I will pay cash for it. I can't take a chance that I get sick and something like this ever happens again. No one is around to pick up the pieces when I can't do it myself.  I just never expected QVC to be so incompetent when it came to handling a return and processing a refund.  I've ordered from them many times in the past and never had any difficulty.  This thing with the computers has been a nightmare though.  So, I won't ever do anything on easy pay again. 

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎09-05-2015

Re: QVC dropped the ball!

[ Edited ]

For those of you who want to continue to refuse to read....pfffft.


yes, I have a computer.   And yes I had a heart attack and went into heart failure and kidney failure.  I could not follow up on my QVC account and had no reason to try to get someone to do it in the light of receiving an email FROM QVC stating the computer had been returned and I would receive a refund.  As soon as I was medically able I began trying to figure out what happened.  I will pray that real life NEVER interferes with you so that stuff like this happens to you.  


There is a difference between crying/whining and standing up for yourself.  I refuse to lay down and let the company or you tell me that it was my fault that their system failed. The truth is that they have a lot of my money that does not belong to them because of their error.  Not mine.  It just took me a while to uncover their error which I did when I was medically able.  If I had not gotten better enough to figure this out on my own, I would have received one computer but paid for two computers and my budget (which was just fine prior to this) would have been screwed up for three more months with constant craziness happening in my bank account.  If I had not followed up on the first computer and another order when it did not arrive, I would have been paying for a computer that someone in Kentucky signed for and kept illegally!  That got straightened out before my heart attack because I FOLLOWED UP and spent hours getting it straightened out with QVC.  When I called yesterday they had forgotten all about that.  If I charged them by the hour for the time I spent researching and talking to customer no-service they would owe me more than the cost of the computer I kept.  


My direct deposits happen regularly and there is plenty of money going in to handle the bills I am obligated to pay.  Including money for one computer.  By the time QVC took an extra $400 out of my account, there was not enough.  If I had been well enough I would have followed up sooner.  But I wasn't and I did not.  If I had been able, I would have stopped the madness sooner even if I had to close the account and open another. But, I had a letter from QVC saying the computer had been received and a refund had been processed. So I trusted them and all this was the result.


My account with QVC shows the return of the computer and then several payments coming out after it was returned.  That is their error, not mine.  It is a flaw in their system. And that is how they dropped the ball.


Unlike  you, I will frefrain from name-calling.  You have already shown everyone what you are. I pray that God doesn't have to teach you compassion or empathy for other people by allowing reality to interfere with your closed mind.  I'd like to know what you would do if you paid for something, returned it and not only did not get the charge reversed but they charged you again and again. And then what if the same thing happened during a time in your life when you were pretty much comatose and had no one to fix it for you????  When you were able to figure out what had happened I guess you would just roll over and pay the bill because it was your fault and not even raise a fuss to get your money back and straighten out the mess caused BY SOMEONE ELSE'S mistake.  I refuse to lay down and be abused by anyone, including you.  So, keep it up.  You show the world your character every time you open your mouth or in this case, type.  


Or or maybe you just keep it up because you enjoy hurting others and causing drama.  They have a diagnosis for that.



Posts: 32
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Re: QVC dropped the ball!

[ Edited ]

Hello @Blessings2Yah777, I'm so sorry you are having this issue.  I left a message on your voicemail.   If you cannot contact me today, you can reach my team members by emailing   I've provided them with the details of your situation.  


Also, I am removing posts within this thread because others are making unfair judgments about your situation.  We hope that you will continue to remain part of the Community Forum. This is not how we want our new forum members to be greeted, even if a poor service experience was what prompted them to join.  



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Posts: 11
Registered: ‎09-05-2015

Thank you Amy-QVC.  I will return your call.  I appreciate your help.


 And for the person "not buying this", pfffft.  Unless you know the facts you are in no position to judge the situation.  People, who when presented with the facts, refuse to change their minds and then judge others with closed minds deserve whatever God uses to teach them better.  

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Thank you so much for removing postings that were demeaning and cruel to the OP.


I, for one, am very ashamed for these posters.  There's an old saying, "Some bullies grow old but never grow up."


Sorry for the OP, on many levels.  





Occasional Contributor
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎09-05-2015

Yes, thank you Amy.  That person was keeping me even madder.  And for some reason that seemed to be their intention.  As I said, there is a diagnosis for that.


i will give you a call when I get a chance.  Between church and work and a trip to the airport today to pick up a friend, I don't have much time, but I will make some in light of your willingness to help resolve this.  



Posts: 32
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Thanks @Blessings2Yah777.  I sent an email to the email address we have on file for you. You can read it when you have time to fit it into your day.   Sounds like you have a lot going on right now.      


- Amy