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Models stop tucking tops in front

Models and hosts need to wear tops to show the customer what it looks like. Tucking it in really aggravates the heck out of me. How are we supposed to see the length etc without being properly displayed.

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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

@buzzie2    The half tuck is supposed to make the wearer look cool.  To my eye, it just looks sloppy and, as you say, you see neither the shirt or the pants well.

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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

I'm 74 and tho I wouldn't wear that look myself, it really doesn't bother me at all. But it seems to annoy the heck out of a lot of people LOL.

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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

[ Edited ]

This style was started by a person who pulled their pants up.....and didn't notice the shirt was "stuck" inside the waistband....

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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

I have never seen this look in person: that is a good thing!

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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

I agree!  It's difficult to see just how the top really fits when worn like that for a presentation.  


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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

This doesn't bother me as much as when the models are wearing jackets/sweaters over a top that is being featured.  

I want to see what that top looks like without the "cover".  This is especially true of sleeveless tops.  

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

It's not something I wear personally, but if people want to do this, I'm fine with it.  However, I think they should show a top with it untucked so everyone can see the length and how it falls on the body.  If they like, they can have the model come out with the top being half-tucked and then pull the top all the way out.  I don't care how cute a top is, if it's not long enough or designed on the bottom the way I like it, I won't buy it!!! 

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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

@Love my grandkids I would have never guessed you are 74!

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Re: Models stop tucking tops in front

I don't mind the look, but if selling a product, they should show both the product for length on one model, and then another model can show it with the front tucked in in case some want to wear it that way.  


If there is too much fabric, tucking it in will add bulk, and I for one, don't need any bulk added. 

......You look like I need a drink.....