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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

With the amount of web traffic these forums get, an ignore button should have been an option for those accessing these forums.

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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

I find it rather ironic that some of those wishing for the ignore feature and constant whining about banned posters are the very same posters who like "to tell it like it is."


 You can't have it both ways.


One game that is being played on the forums is, posting something outrageous, wait for another poster to reply negatively and then 'push inappropriate.'  It's not only baiting but smacks of bully behavior.


Again, if you don't like the rules or certain posters, move so many have. 


My question to those who have created a home elsewhere, why do you keep coming back to QVC launching complaints?  

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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

Sometimes the mods don't get to a post before the thread goes haywire, so all i can do is not respond to these "baiting" posts and carry on the discussion as if it wasn't there or I just step way. I know that's not always easy when a poster's name is called out with the "@" feature for a not-so-nice response. In general I really like that feature, but sometimes it adds to the hostility of an argument.


Threads other than those in "Q Talk" and "Community Chat" get heated too. I know people offering suggestions in the forum for that purpose often get blasted for having suggestions. And some of the Wen and Logo threads I have read had people's hair on fire. Even the Holiday forum gets grumpy. All the standards and guidelines in the world will not deter some folks. That's life.



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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

@SunValley wrote:

Sometimes the mods don't get to a post before the thread goes haywire, so all i can do is not respond to these "baiting" posts and carry on the discussion as if it wasn't there or I just step way. I know that's not always easy when a poster's name is called out with the "@" feature for a not-so-nice response. In general I really like that feature, but sometimes it adds to the hostility of an argument.


Threads other than those in "Q Talk" and "Community Chat" get heated too. I know people offering suggestions in the forum for that purpose often get blasted for having suggestions. And some of the Wen and Logo threads I have read had people's hair on fire. Even the Holiday forum gets grumpy. All the standards and guidelines in the world will not deter some folks. That's life.



Hi @SunValley ITA. 


(and it makes me SMH when people get blasted for posting suggestions in Suggestion Box.)

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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

@MyGirlsMom wrote:

I find it rather ironic that some of those wishing for the ignore feature and constant whining about banned posters are the very same posters who like "to tell it like it is."


 You can't have it both ways.


One game that is being played on the forums is, posting something outrageous, wait for another poster to reply negatively and then 'push inappropriate.'  It's not only baiting but smacks of bully behavior.


Again, if you don't like the rules or certain posters, move so many have. 


My question to those who have created a home elsewhere, why do you keep coming back to QVC launching complaints?  





Because all is not well in Paradise, and/or because that's part and parcel of why "the home" was created - a home base where "things" can be coordinated.

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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

The "wants" on a shopping board are interesting. What next, a cupcake and a safe zone?

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

@Jackaranda wrote:

The "wants" on a shopping board are interesting. What next, a cupcake and a safe zone?

@Nancy Drew


Ignore problem....I've got it right here....points to side of head. 


Now, about that cupcake~~~Woman Wink

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Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

[ Edited ]

@cottageHill wrote:

QVC Webbie:   Lately, most discussions in 'Q Talk' and 'Community Chat' seem to draw comments that are completely out-of-bounds.    Healthy discussions are welcome, but lately, posters are vehemently rude.





What might be "vehemently rude" to you may just be a spirited discussion to a couple other posters who are friends with a long time history.   Not everything should be taken at face value.  


Only grown ups should be on this board .... and if they want to ignore someone, should be able to do so with needing a button and a hall monitor to be able do it.   Just ignore them.   No biggie.

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: IGNORE button in Forums ~ reinstate~!

@Stormygirl wrote:

I can do that "ignore" function very well on my own. I DO NOT need a Nanny State forum, suppression of speech nor need a grade school hallway monitor. I realize one must have a certain level of confidence and thick skin to even be on social media. We are adults here and can choose or not choose to engage in discourse, we can open or not open a topic we feel is against our sensitivities. I think sometimes we become too dependant on someone else to fullfill ALL of our own nanny needs when we should be quite capable to doing such ourselves. Since we DO NOT have the capability to private message we have no fear of individual side lined harrassment. The QVC Team has been good at addressing any real complaints.



Amen, sister !!!     But perhaps people should keep in mind that message boards aren't for everyone.   If other people having differences of opinions are just too disturbing .... find another way to spend your time!