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Registered: ‎04-19-2010

Re: Clark's TSV- man made materials @ $72???

When they said to size up I knew fit would be an issue. I passed for that reason but the style was blah too. Maybe the next TSV will be better.

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Registered: ‎12-26-2012

Re: Clark's TSV- man made materials @ $72???

I love Clarks, just not many of the styles offered on QVC. They are so comfortable and well made. If you wear heels at all, they offer so many cute, real leather styles that are wearable for hours, due to all the built in comfort. My favorite place to find Clarks at great prices is

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Clark's TSV- man made materials @ $72???

Those Clarks TSV Cloudstepper shoes Caddell Tropic A296634


have a disclaimer that they fit tightly:


"Fit: close to the vamp, break-in time necessary"


These are not leather shoes but man made materials. Hmmm...when a shoe needs breaking in that means trouble to me. I'm surprised this shoe would be chosen as a TSV given that they run tight and or narrow. But so did the last Clarks TSV the Daelyn Monarch which got many bad reviews for running narrow. QVC ended up removing those shoes from inventory after they were a TSV. I wonder why. The only shoes left are the "as is" ones. I bet there were a lot of returns and that's what those "as is" shoes are.