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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken

Hi Everyone! It seems like the sumac may be difficult to find in the store or to substitute with another ingredient. However, I promise that this dish is perfectly delicious even without it. :-)
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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken

Hi LoLa,

Made this dish tonight for dinner and it was wonderful!!! Thank you, again, for posting this recipe. I will definitely make it again and will always use the sumac. I was able to find it locally at Whole Foods, though we do have a Penzy's on the other side of the river (too far). Honestly, that sumac is the bomb!

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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken


I finally made this last night. It was wonderful. I used bone-in chicken thighs. Good company dish because it spends so much time in the oven while you can do other things. Can't imagine substituting anything else for the sumac. Very distinctive taste. The only thing I will do different next time is try removing the skin from the bone-in chicken thighs - just because I am not a fan of mushy chicken skin!

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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken

This looks delicious and Spring-y. Definitely bookmarking it to try. Thanks!

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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken

LoLa - I made this again yesterday just up to the baking part. I took to a friends house with some green salad and homemade dressing. Wife had recently had brain surgery and while husband appreciated all the help he was getting he was very happy they did not have to eat another casserole! He called today with rave reviews for the chicken.

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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken


My daughter and I had a dinner and movie "date" last night at my house and made this chicken again, because I had raved about it to her and she asked me to make it. We had it with baby broccoli, which had marinated in minced garlic and a bit of olive oil for an hour then pan fried, plus TJs Brown Basmati Rice. She loved the chicken! Thanks, again.

(Just received my Spiralizer, so will try the shrimp scampi dish when DH returns from his trip. I am salivating already.)

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Registered: ‎11-27-2010

Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken

Hi Wen, SFNative, DiAnne! I'm so happy that y'all are enjoying this chicken. It's become such a go to for my family and friends as well. The next go around will be putting it on the grill! I'll let you know how it goes! Ps... SF... Let me know how that spiralizer works out :-)
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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken

On 4/29/2015 LoLa said: Hi Wen, SFNative, DiAnne! I'm so happy that y'all are enjoying this chicken. It's become such a go to for my family and friends as well. The next go around will be putting it on the grill! I'll let you know how it goes! Ps... SF... Let me know how that spiralizer works out :-)


Will definitely let you know about my Spiralizer experience! When my daughter was over last night, I told her I'd just received mine and shared the recipe you had posted. She had to open the box and look at that gizmo, as she had had spiralized squashed at a restaurant and now wants one, too. It looks really easy to use. See all the good stuff you start! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken

Cooked a lot this weekened. My families favorites were Zucchini Bake, and your recipe. Both really great recipes.  Thank you


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Re: Lemon Artichoke Garlic Roast Chicken

Hi Lola,


Happy Sunday to you!


Thanks so much for posting this recipe, my friend.


The Greeks make a very similar recipe minus the sumac, so whenever we have Middle Eastern guests we also add sumac, as it is a great spice to use.


Hint: I have also layered this type of recipe between sliced chicken/turkey breasts, and for people who have trouble with eating chicken off the bone. (Like  many who have had trouble keeping their teeth, even at a young age, so they never eat anything with the bone in.


Lola your recipe above will also be delicious on or off the bone, especially since it has so many delicious flavorful ingredients, and a lovely gal who posted the recipe for us allSmiley Happy.


Have a lovely day dear friend and God Bess....