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Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???

I know someone who is looking for this:

I am looking for a recipe cranberry relish/sauce recipe that I cut out of a magazine many years ago and subsequently lost.  The ingredients are:

        canned whole cranberry sauce
        raspberry jello
        bottled horseradish
        lemon juice

There may be one thing I am forgetting, and I have forgotten the
proportions.  If anyone has the recipe with the exact ingredients
and proportions please share.


(NOT the recipe which includes sour cream.)


 I KNOW I have seen this recipe and thought I had it in my computer files, but do not.  I've searched the Internet for her, but amazingly it isn't anywhere online either.  Does anyone on this Recipe forum happen to have a copy of this old recipe?

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Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???

@Honeybit Have you checked Pinterest? 

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Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???

[ Edited ]

Do you remember "her" name?  I googled cranberry relish with horseradish recipes and several popped up.  Have you checked any of them out?

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Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???

[ Edited ]

@Honeybit @Imaoldhippie @TX-starlight


Don't know if this is the right one but here is one I found.


Cranberry Horse-radish Relish. [Note the typing of horseradish.]


Published July 30, 2008 in Relish Recipes


Grind up enough cranberries to make 2 cups.  Mix with 2 cups sugar and let stand an hour or so to blend sugar in.


Add 2 cups boiling water to 2 packages of lemon Jell-o.  Stir until dissolved.  Add 2 cups cold water.


Cool and when partly set, stir in 1 and 1/2 cups diced celery.  Add the cranberries, a little salt and 2 TBSP horseradish.  Pour into a mold and chill until firm.  Serve with any kind of meat.


 When you do a recipe search in these Q forums there are a couple of others not exactly what your friend was looking for but that sound good:  Jezebel Cranberry Sauce by Girlo, 10/24/2011;

Cranberry Jalapeno Relish by forrestwolf, 1/1/2014.

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Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???



Well, yes -- "her" is someone I swap recipes with at church.  As for your second question, also yes.  I have used Google several times searching for the ingredients she mentioned.  I've found lots of cranberry recipes using the raspberry jello, etc. and several using horseradish -- but all of those have been the German-style relish which uses sour cream.


Also, yes, that she can experiment with one of the jello recipes adding horseradish to taste.  What is maddening to me is that I'm sure I have seen that specific recipe "somewhere", remember thinking it sounded interesting, and just thought one of the posters here might have collected the same recipe from a magazine. 


When I have time, I'll search through some of my collection of old church cookbooks.  I was really surprised that something like this recipe didn't immediately pop up on the Internet.  Who knew?

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Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???



Well, nothing from Pinterest gave a hit on my Google searches, which normally happens when I'm searching for specific ingredients.  Trying to search Pinterest directly frankly just drives me crazy -- I usually run out of patience and time trying to scroll through all the "jumping" pictures on my computer. 


I appreciate your suggestion, though.  Thanks.

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Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???

[ Edited ]



Thanks for what you found -- that sounds promising even though it's a different jello flavor.  I'll pass it along to her.  I had run out of ideas for different ways to enter search terms.  I did find an interesting cranberry relish recipe that included fresh ginger but not jello -- I'm going to try it for Thanksgiving this year.


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Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???

@Honeybit   @Honeybit  @Imaoldhippie. I knew I had seen the recipe online somewhere a few years back--think I even used it once but swapped out cranberry Jell-o for lemon.  On the website where I found the one I posted there's a picture of it in someone's handwriting.


I tried to search for the one you really want on the Kraft Foods website because they own Jell-o but they've "updated" their website and offer the older one but it's not fully functional, so I gave up after a few frustrating attempts at using it.


If I do come across one closer to what your friend is looking for I'll post it.  I love doing research and have some more time for it now that I'm retired.


Gosh, can't believe how this month has flown and Thanksgiving just so near.


Happy Halloween, all.

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Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???

Pinterest has several.

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Registered: ‎07-17-2011

Re: Cranberry Relish with Horseradish ???

@Zhills  Thanks for looking.  I'll give Pinterest another try when I have some spare time.  I think their new "look" must be meant more for tablets or phones than for my computer's browser.  Trying to wend through its ways just makes me crazy.