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@Carmie wrote:

Cube steak is company worthy if  it is made correctly.  My family loves it

I coat the steak with flour seasoned with salt and pepper and fry it until it is brown.  

Then put in a casserole dish and slice 2 large onions and place on top.  

Add two cans of stewed tomatoes and bake covered at 350 for about an hour.


It is very tender and makes it's own gravy.  I serve with mashed potatoes and a veggie.


I never have any leftovers.

@Carmie That's the way we made Swiss steak back in the day--always in the electric skillet.  Only difference was we put rings of sliced green pepper on top with the tomatoes--diced was what we used!  I loved it! 

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@KingstonsMom wrote:



LOL! That was our menu last night, with enough left for tonight!


We did have mashed instead of scalloped, as that's what DH prefers.

@KingstonsMom Oh are you having sandwiches with mustard and slices of cold meatloaf?  Oh how I love those!


Tell your hubby he can have every mashed potato on earth as far as I am concerned!  LOL!!  I like real scalloped potatoes (no cheese) and love a good crispy baked potato!  Mashed?  No thanks!  Woman Very Happy

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@KathyM23 ---yes, maybe what you said was true---I haven't eaten them since I was a kid---and my mom shopped for the bargains when we were little so the quality was prob not the best---however-----still grosses me out, and I won't buy them anyway. My mom was a good cook too----

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My last cube steaks were tough as nails.  Trying a different store next time.  I remember the cube steaks of my childhood, tender as can be.  Of course I can say that about a lot of meat cuts.  A store advertised select tenderloin steaks.  Select is not a better cut, so that tells me the store is selling select grade in other cuts or they woudn't have these tenderloins to get rid of.  

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@depglass wrote:

My last cube steaks were tough as nails.  Trying a different store next time.  I remember the cube steaks of my childhood, tender as can be.  Of course I can say that about a lot of meat cuts.  A store advertised select tenderloin steaks.  Select is not a better cut, so that tells me the store is selling select grade in other cuts or they woudn't have these tenderloins to get rid of.  

@depglass When I was a kid, cattle were fatter.  That grass fed stuff doesn't do it for me.  I want pasture, with grass and grain feed.  


And the poor pigs are so lean there's no point for them in being a pig now days!  What do they feed them?  Special K and Melba toast?  

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I remember having cube steaks at a friend's house and I liked the meal.  I came home and told my mother that I had a chewed steak.  

I have always fried mine but might try baking next time.


This turned into a good thread.

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@sceniccoast wrote:

We like them as well.  I cook them a bit different .. instead of using flour, I dip them in beated eggs, let the excess drop off & then use seasoned bread crumbs on a plate & then just coat each side.  NOTE:  I do season them with garlic powder & ground pepper before the bread crumbs.  Fry them in a little olive oil & (keeping fingers crossed) I don't over-cook them for DH.  He's more of a med. rare guy & I like med. welldone.  Most of the time they're crispy on the outside & juicy enough on the inside that we're both happy.  I cook ours separate.  Yum!


I do egg as well and  then flour with salt and pepper.  I forgot the egg part.  I might try the bread crumbs idea.  Change it up.  Thanks.

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@Sooner wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

Cube steak is company worthy if  it is made correctly.  My family loves it

I coat the steak with flour seasoned with salt and pepper and fry it until it is brown.  

Then put in a casserole dish and slice 2 large onions and place on top.  

Add two cans of stewed tomatoes and bake covered at 350 for about an hour.


It is very tender and makes it's own gravy.  I serve with mashed potatoes and a veggie.


I never have any leftovers.

@Carmie That's the way we made Swiss steak back in the day--always in the electric skillet.  Only difference was we put rings of sliced green pepper on top with the tomatoes--diced was what we used!  I loved it! 

I have done with tomatoes too and very good that way and I forgot about that.  Been so long since  did it that way.    I'm getting hungry.  

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@eddyandme   I love cubed steak.  It is an inexpensive cut of meat but it is very tasty.   It is usually top round steak or top sirloin steak which has been tenderized by pounding. It's good for those of us on a budget.  I usually flour my pieces of steak and fry them in a small amout of canola oil.  After I've fried all the pieces of meat I make gravy with the leftover oil and drippings.  It is really quite good. I don't understand the negative reviews.  

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@Knit-Chick wrote:

So.... someone comes on here asking for advice and gets replies that her planned dinner is gross.  I just don't understand the need to even post that.  Just be nice and move on. 

@Knit-Chick  Thank you for your statement.  Like you, I don't get it - the negative and some of them go beyond negative replies.  There is no need for it.