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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

I am so thankful I'm not squemish!  I'll eat about anything except snails (tlhere is an incident in childhood I won't talk about).  There are so many wonderful foods that might be ofputting if you never tried them.  (Not snails!  Woman Surprised  Woman Embarassed  Woman LOL)

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

@songbird wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@songbird wrote:

@Katcat1 wrote:

On Christmas Eve my Aunt would take chicken livers wrap bacon around them with a water chestnut and broil.  It was very good.  Pate is also very good.  I think it is what you grow up eating that makes a difference.  I for one would never slide an oyster down my throat but some people love them.

I think most people lilke chicken liver.  Nobody makes faces and shake when they see it.   I think it's more of the idea of a child animal (a calf) then an old steer.  Same reason people won't eat lamb, but will wolf down a hamburger. 

@songbird.  I don’t like any kind of liver, chicken or not. But I love fried oysters.

That's OK.  At least it's cook.  Raw oysters sliding down your throat  is something entirely different.

I never met an oyster I didn't like.  Fried, broiled, in stew or on the hoof. 

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

Mountain oysters, @Sooner ?  Pray tell!

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

Yes, as well as pork, chicken, and turkey liver.   I’ve eaten liver my entire life, and no one had to make me eat it, I just like it.   


Beef and pork liver is always dredged in seasoned flour, and cooked in hot bacon drippings.  Quickly seared on one side, flipped for about 2 minutes, sliced onions added as well as about 1/4 cup water, covered, then the heat is turned off for the liver to steam until done.   I could eat some right now!

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

@Sweetbay magnolia wrote:

Mountain oysters, @Sooner ?  Pray tell!

@Sweetbay magnolia   Yes.  They were cut very thin and battered with cornmeal and fried very crispy.  Actually they were lamb fries but very tasty.  Close enough to count? Woman Happy

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

Me - absolutely not.....DH - he loves it and cooks it for himself occasionally with onions galore! My dad and mom used to cook it when I was growing up. The only way I could eat the stuff was to smother it in barbeque sauce! I haven't had it since I was in junior high and refused to eat it any more. I abhor the taste and texture.

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

Yes, Yum!

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

Nope, just nope.  My mother died of liver cancer and my brother died from chirrosis of the liver.  That's what I see when I look at liver.

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

Still????  I've never tasted it and never will.  I don't do organ meats.   

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Re: Anyone here still eat Beef Liver?

Not even if you put a gun to my head.

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