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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

It's a horse race. The monitors are gaining on the posters.... Wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow they'll be neck n neck... PLACE YOUR BETS
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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

Hey, are silly hats on the program guide?
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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

@Justice4all don't know about the funny hats, I'm watching evine and hsn, NOT QVC.

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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

@Justice4all wrote:
It's a horse race. The monitors are gaining on the posters.... Wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow they'll be neck n neck... PLACE YOUR BETS


Oh, now wait just a minute...  I'm pretty sure gambling is forbidden...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

Well, I finally did it.  I've been very patient, learning the technical ins and outs of the new Boards.  I've learned enough to get the basic and can read and post with some facility.  However, the next step was dealing with the new enforcement of Rules and Standards by a new cast of Moderators.


It's gone too far, and yes, I am a customer and I still  watch quite a bit of programming and do buy.  I have purchased my BOSE and a not inexpensive Christmas Tree from them, as well as many miscellaneous things here and there.  So, I consider myself an active customer (unlike many posters who say they never view or buy) and am still worthy of consideration.


The level of heavy handed, over moderation is excessive and unnecessary.  So, I finally wrote an e-mail and even a real snail mail letter.  Won't matter  much, I am sure, but I am still a customer.  One moderator in particular clearly needs to be dealt with, and I made sure to specifically reference him/her and call them out for being noted as poor in their job.  Attention must be paid, Attention must be paid to the customer!


At the very least, I hope that this Moderator's negative response and indifferent attitude toward customers is factored into a personnel file somehow.  Makes me feel good doing it, I have never done anything like that before.  For all they know, I could be a very large shareholder of QVCA. 

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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

JE, is the Bose really worth it?
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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

@Johnnyeager wrote:

Well, I finally did it.  I've been very patient, learning the technical ins and outs of the new Boards.  I've learned enough to get the basic and can read and post with some facility.  However, the next step was dealing with the new enforcement of Rules and Standards by a new cast of Moderators.


It's gone too far, and yes, I am a customer and I still  watch quite a bit of programming and do buy.  I have purchased my BOSE and a not inexpensive Christmas Tree from them, as well as many miscellaneous things here and there.  So, I consider myself an active customer (unlike many posters who say they never view or buy) and am still worthy of consideration.


The level of heavy handed, over moderation is excessive and unnecessary.  So, I finally wrote an e-mail and even a real snail mail letter.  Won't matter  much, I am sure, but I am still a customer.  One moderator in particular clearly needs to be dealt with, and I made sure to specifically reference him/her and call them out for being noted as poor in their job.  Attention must be paid, Attention must be paid to the customer!


At the very least, I hope that this Moderator's negative response and indifferent attitude toward customers is factored into a personnel file somehow.  Makes me feel good doing it, I have never done anything like that before.  For all they know, I could be a very large shareholder of QVCA. 


I did the same. Just because they gave you a crown, scepter, keyboard and title of moderator doesn't give you the right to hurt, insult, and humilate your users. And I would add "uneven" and "unbalanced" to your list. I'm seeing posts where some, who are QVC cheerleaders, are calling others "stupid" "losers" and other lovely adjectives and getting away with it just fine. 


I'd also add that those of us who pushed back rather than just accepting things as they were when this new platform was launched, are responsible for the fixes to these fora. Those of us asking the moderators to take a step back and a bit of time out to reflect on how their moderation is affecting the atmosphere here are doing everyone a favor. This of course it just my opinion. 


QVC, by the storm-trooper way in which they rolled out their new moderation protocol, has now created a new kind of drama here on these fora--the Us vrs. Them daily smackdowns between two tranches of posters. I, personally, am over it. 

Fortēs fortūna adjuvat
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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

me, too, gardensia

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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

Let me know if you get a response - I've emailed them twice in the last 2 weeks about a login issue and have yet to get any type of help. 

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Re: where do I find the address for QVC social

[ Edited ]

Question: Do some of the posters work for the Q? I am not meaning the mods. thanks