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I just hit my control on the TV out of curiosity to see what the 9:00AM show was called on QVC because all morning I've been hearing, "This is all about the summer".....


Really?  So far I've seen the battery operated scrubber and now Pat is demonstrating a vacuum cleaner.


I don't care because I don't watch those shows, I just get a kick out of the stretch QVC does to TRY to fit into the THEME they've chosen.


I don't know about you ladies, but when I think of summer and things sold for getting ready for summer, vacuum cleaners, and brush scrub thingys are not a part of my summer...


I'd rather think about things I'd take to the pool, or to the beach (how about rafts, sunglasses, bathing suits (which I assume will be on later), sandals, etc.


I understand QVC has a lot of hours to fill up, and this post is more tongue-in-cheek, but I wish they'd save some of these items for another day other than a day when they tout, "Getting ready for summer" (or something like that).


I wonder what the statistics are on how many vacuums, etc they sell on these 'getting ready for summer' days?  I would think someone needing a vacuum (sorry to constantly use that but it keeps coming to mind) would tune in on any other day.


Just saying.....Oh!  I have to admit I'm as guilty as the Q because I have a few minutes before I leave and I'm posting this ridiculous post wasting time .........

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Registered: ‎05-22-2012

That is hilarious!

I can picture it now: "Ladies, it's summer, and that can only mean one thing - it's time to think about a new vacuum cleaner! Nothing says 'summer' like a bagless vac!"



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I get what you're thinking, but the funny thing is -  I wash my car myself in the summer -   and do that more times than I go to the beach or the pool. 

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How funny~!  I honestly think that most QVC watchers (like me) pay absolutely no attention to the "theme" .... LOL!   I mean, I have it on and off and if there is something on I'm interested in keep it on and if not, I turn the channel.  I'm working at my desk during the day (on the computer) with a small TV to my right usually on and just don't care even thought I know it's summer..... Woman Wink

And I have a vacuum.... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

I just hit my control on the TV out of curiosity to see what the 9:00AM show was called on QVC because all morning I've been hearing, "This is all about the summer".....


Really?  So far I've seen the battery operated scrubber and now Pat is demonstrating a vacuum cleaner.


I don't care because I don't watch those shows, I just get a kick out of the stretch QVC does to TRY to fit into the THEME they've chosen.


I don't know about you ladies, but when I think of summer and things sold for getting ready for summer, vacuum cleaners, and brush scrub thingys are not a part of my summer...


I'd rather think about things I'd take to the pool, or to the beach (how about rafts, sunglasses, bathing suits (which I assume will be on later), sandals, etc.


I understand QVC has a lot of hours to fill up, and this post is more tongue-in-cheek, but I wish they'd save some of these items for another day other than a day when they tout, "Getting ready for summer" (or something like that).


I wonder what the statistics are on how many vacuums, etc they sell on these 'getting ready for summer' days?  I would think someone needing a vacuum (sorry to constantly use that but it keeps coming to mind) would tune in on any other day.


Just saying.....Oh!  I have to admit I'm as guilty as the Q because I have a few minutes before I leave and I'm posting this ridiculous post wasting time .........

@Annabellethecat66  Why ANNABELLETHECAT didn't you know VACUUMS are the PERFECT gift for any and all occasions---Ground Hogs Day, President's Day, St. Patrick's Day, QVC's Birthday, National Donut Day, Cow Appreciation Day (July 15th), National Play Doh Day (Sept 16), If Pets Hade Thumbs Day(March3) and if pets had thumbs maybe they could vacuum (--spring, summer, fall, and winter......etc etc etc.....Woman Very HappyWoman Wink 


What I can't wait for is Christmas In July---when QVC will have all those (Put the name of the host here) Host Gift Favorite Shows and coincidentally ALL the hosts will somehow select the EXACT SAME MERCHANDISE!!! Woman Very Happy

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Registered: ‎07-23-2010

LOL Annabelle, that's really funny.  Makes me glad that most days I'm not home watching QVC.  I wouldn't think of those items as "summer 101" either. 


these days, I only watch when there is something scheduled that really interests me and those shows are few and far between.