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Yeah, they want to pretend it's one big party, but recent events put the lie to that! Good night 😀
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Post #104,000,000,000,000,000,002 about hostesses drinking on set.





"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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I see them with a wine glass filled with what appears to be real wine and I know enough to believe it's not.  It's suggestive that the viewers pour a relaxing drink at home, kick back and enjoy the cartoons, I mean the show.

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Registered: ‎12-02-2023
Whether it is actually alcohol or a prop, qvc doesn't need to market that atmosphere to sell their items. And a goid time can be had without alcohol. Personally being a person in recovery from alcoholism seeing this amost every show I am sorry bothers me somewhat and is a trigger for me to want a drink. It kind if sucks because I love watching the on air presentations which are very informative and I shouldn't have to be forced to go online to shop. I just think they should have a little more respect for us customers that DON'T and/or CANNOT drink. Just my opinion, please don't judge or be nasty for my remarks 😊❤️
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@RollTide2008 wrote:
My office ends every Friday with a happy hour. The owner serves us a round of drinks while we recap the week. It’s not the only place I’ve worked with this tradition.

Some of you clearly need a drink.

I work in tech and you better believe that some of those complex RFP responses and proposals are helped along by some lubricant ( beer, wine, bourbon). A former colleague and I used to set up a beer tasting for whiteboarding various projects. We only did it for work after 5 pm though.

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Just because you see a wine glass doesn't mean the contents is's just a glass!


During the kitchen TSV presentation, I saw a dirty martini dip in a martini glass....there was no booze in it, per Tina.


Just because you see a coffee mug doesn't mean the contents is coffee.


A reusable water bottle might or might not contain water.


You can't assume what's in a glass or container. It could be anything.


This complaint is ongoing.  I guess we are running out of subject matter.



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It's real wine.


Real, real wine.

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Registered: ‎02-27-2022

First, let me say that I agree with you. Second, I am sorry for the life long recovery you are going through. My Niece was addicted to Prescription medications and it nearly cost her her life. She is now going on 8 years clean.And now that Marijuana is legal in our state, I worry about that being a gateway to sliding back into the multitude of addiction to drugs that people have or are recovering from. Will the hosts be smoking a joint in the future, since it is becoming legal in more states? I doubt it. But it is just bad form for the hosts to drink alcohol, or appear to drink alcohol in front of a general audience. And yes, you can be sure in this forum, you will be told in many unpleasant ways that you were wrong to speak! There are those that live for doing that, sadly. Stay strong and don't let anyone stop you from posting here, after all it IS a forum. 😉

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

My brother and sister-in-law at one time owned a small vineyard in California.  I visited in the summers and learned some things about growing grapes, producing the wine and marketing and selling the wine.  It's a huge, fascinating, complicated, highly-regulated business.  i have admiration for people in the wine industry. I support the wine industry.  It is a big business in the U.S.  The hosts are just doing their part to support the idea "made in America."   Red, white or blends, pour it on!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010



To your point, there is a lot of sentiment in Pennsylvania to legalize the use of small amounts of marijuana for individual, personal use.  West Chester, home of QVC, is located in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.