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Registered: ‎05-18-2017

@ellaphant wrote:

@Linda501 wrote:
Whether it is actually alcohol or a prop, qvc doesn't need to market that atmosphere to sell their items. And a goid time can be had without alcohol. Personally being a person in recovery from alcoholism seeing this amost every show I am sorry bothers me somewhat and is a trigger for me to want a drink. It kind if sucks because I love watching the on air presentations which are very informative and I shouldn't have to be forced to go online to shop. I just think they should have a little more respect for us customers that DON'T and/or CANNOT drink. Just my opinion, please don't judge or be nasty for my remarks 😊❤️

Then you shouldn't watch. My understanding of people with addiction issues is to avoid any possible triggering situations. Plenty of places to shop to support your sobriety.

@Linda501  - I'm sorry for your addiction issues with alcohol, but I don't think it's fair to others to ban wine shows completely.  Those with addiction issues should just avoid watching these shows.

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Registered: ‎07-08-2024
At least they could take a sip..... Wonder if the real wine they sell is really being sampled or is that fake too???
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Re: Wine on air.

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Old Post from 2023