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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

@Happy In the South  Early 2000s when I stumbled upon David V. Loved him right off! My two oldest were off to college, and I was homeschooling my youngest through 11th and 12th grades. Had a bit more time on my hands Wish I had known about much earlier, but DH is glad I didn't!

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

I started watching right at the beginning when it popped up on my cable system. It was pretty cheesy and we made fun of the products and presentations.  Then one day I saw a gold herringbone bracelet, and it was affordable and I was hooked.

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

[ Edited ]

I have a similar story. I was a young mother and have always been a night owl. That was my time to myself, the late night hours. I was switching channels and stumbled on a presentation of Kirk's Folly jewelry. The vendor was someone from my my hometown area and I love jewelry. She and I thnk Judy Crowell were dressed in fairy outfits, throwing fairy dust and I could buy the jewelry from my phone!!!!! ...  I was hooked!


Even so, I waited for awhile before buying anything, TV shopping was still a new trend. My first purchase was a stuffed animal for my daughter, not a Boyd's but the beginning of our future Boyd's Bears collection. After that I was off and running.


I was a faithful Wednesday Night gold gal with Mary Beth and never missed an Elegance of 18K with Pat D. The Klondike and California Gold Rush Days were BIG events in my house. Many nights I'd stay up to see a TSV at midnite because the product was exciting and a great sale price. TSV's often sold out in the wee hours.


I think I tuned in right after CVN became QVC as the hosts used to mention the name change and tell stories about the beginnings. Kathy Levine became my favorite host. The sets were pretty much just kind of bare rooms with panelled walls like a den.


A few years later my daughter and I went to one of the live events. Our governor flew in by helicopter. We waited in line with other fans for a few hours. We had a great time chatting with fellow fans of the network. Most of my family and friends thought I was nuts to buy from TV so it was great to be with fellow TV shoppers. We couldn't get into the venue but we got close enough to see into the show. David Venable was hosting.


I knew that QVC was the beginning of a new way to shop. If only I'd bought stock ....Smiley Sad

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

@Happy In the South 


My Aunt Lil.

She was laid up recouperating from a surgery and had dozens of Q boxes all over her house.

I was a kid at the time (maybe late teens) and made fun of her for it....THEN I BECAME HER!

Dang - can't deny our DNA now can we??!!


Smiley Wink

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

[ Edited ]

On the year 1987 that I first stepped foot in America, I was watching television then a channel named CVN caught my attention as it was selling different merchandise.

 I was like wow, look what the Amricans have (we didnt have teleshoping back in Greece in the time)


I do recall, there was a lovely lady by the name Miss Levine and I was understading the English better, as her presentations were achieved whitout any great effort of her part.


Then miss Joan Rivers joined the "party" and I honestly was glued at the tele, watching those two ladies and ordering "stuff".


PS: oh oh oh ...I remember also that the lady Miss Tova Borgnine had a line of cosmetics back then.


I absolutely adored the line of Mary Mac Fadden ( I think that was her name)!

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

Susan Lucci hair products.   I enjoyed Susan Lucci always on All My Children and thought her hair was beautiful.   I was flipping the channels, came across her presenting her hair care line, and I was hooked ever after to QVC.


P.S.  The products she sold were very good and I wish they were still available today!

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

[ Edited ]

Heard about it somewhere in 1986.  Watched the first program, then continued for about 8 years only a few hours in the evening.  Purchased mostly jewelry.  


In 2012, I was flipping through the channels and saw QVC selling Christmas decorations that caught my eye.  Didn't buy much of anything until 2017.  

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

@Foxxee wrote:

Heard about it somewhere in 1986.  Watched the first program, then continued for about 8 years only a few hours in the evening.  Purchased mostly jewelry.   

It must have been only in the evening through your cable operator because QVC was evening hours on weekdays and all day on weekends from November 24-December 31, 1986. Twenty-four/seven live programming commenced January 1, 1987 and ended October 6, 2019.

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

My neighbor, whose kids I would occasionally babysit, always 

had it on every time I went to her house.This was the late 80's.

She would buy and buy at that time. UPS surely remembered her

address. First host I think of from back then was Judy Crowell.

That's how I got started watching.

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Re: What made you start watching QVC?

No cable tv here, only over the air reception.

I was flipping thru channels one day and there was this woman, her appearance was both startling and absolutely hilarious, and I couldn't stop laughing for about 20 minutes.

That was my introduction to QVC, about 2013.

I only look at QVC on my tablet now, and rarely at that.