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Is more like watching hosts eat or act.  I feel like I'm watching a performance instead of having hosts promote and explain various items.  I like to watch and see products before buying, so I do like to watch.  But some of these food presentations are such a turn off ... eating loudly and making smack lipping noises is something left for home, and talking with food in their mouth is a total turnoff.  I wonder if they make those noises when eating out?

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They have to make the food product look and sound tantalizing that is why they smack their food.   Sometimes it appears that the hosts haven't had anything to eat all day just so they can pig out on the shows.

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No table manners = No marriage material

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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It doesn't bother me too much.  The hosts are doing their job, which is what I want and expect them to do.  Also, I would guess that their microphones are near their mouths so that we can hear them talk, and it will amplify the eating sounds. 

"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart" Anne Frank
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I don't watch any food shows but IMO QVC has become less and less a "shopping" network and more of an entertainment/talk show.  Rarely watch nowadays.



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It's not just the food presentations.  Have you noticed the performances and exaggerations that occur when showing exercise equipment?   Even the describing of an ordinary tee shirt can evoke an Oscar-worthy performance. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@lgfan wrote:

They have to make the food product look and sound tantalizing that is why they smack their food.   Sometimes it appears that the hosts haven't had anything to eat all day just so they can pig out on the shows.

They don't all smack their food. David does that cute roll of the eyes when he bites into something tasty.  LOL

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I haven't watched for many years but I shop a lot. last week I was channel surfing and came across the person with a white pair of BIG Glasses. I heard so much about it, and I watched for  about a half minute. I couldn't stop. It's like driving and come across an accident and you slow down and stare.


Anyway, the glasses were crooked on her face and I heard myself screaming "Woman fix the glasses" I tell you if it were possible  to reach in and grab them, I would have. It was so irritating.


How do viewers watch that for an hour or two?

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@Kachina624  "Even the describing of an ordinary tee shirt can evoke an Oscar-worthy performance."


Maybe some of the hosts want to become actors and are using the show to display their talent.  If Lana Turner was discovered in a drug store some of these hosts can be discovered at QVC. 

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@Sage04 wrote:

I haven't watched for many years but I shop a lot. last week I was channel surfing and came across the person with a white pair of BIG Glasses. I heard so much about it, and I watched for  about a half minute. I couldn't stop. It's like driving and come across an accident and you slow down and stare.


Anyway, the glasses were crooked on her face and I heard myself screaming "Woman fix the glasses" I tell you if it were possible  to reach in and grab them, I would have. It was so irritating.


How do viewers watch that for an hour or two?

We don't watch.  I only watch those who I find not-so-irritating. I agree with previous poster who asked why would anyone watch a host they find THAT annoying or repulsive?