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I got two separate orders in one package.  First time ever.

Does this happen more often lately?  I still got charged separate shipping for each item, though.

The items happened to be two pairs of pants - one Denim & Co, the other Martha Stewart.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Two orders in one package

@GingerPeach Yes!  QVC has been doing that a lot lately.  I've been receiving these large boxes with several pieces of clothing in them.


They're different orders, different pieces of clothing (i.e. a blouse, pants, jacket, etc).


My friends tease me about the large boxes I've been getting but every now and then they'll be in a large box instead of 3 or more white plastic bags.  


Like you, I still get charged shipping and handling for each one but they come together.


It's only every now and then, but it does happen.  Today I received 4 white plastic bags, no large boxes.  Go figure.  No rhyme or reason....go figure!

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Re: Two orders in one package

Been happening to me alot lately they just started that, but we still are paying 2 seperate charges not right at all. Back in the day when they would combine orders you would get the second one half price now they figured out how to take advantage of us I hope alot others start complaining too.

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Re: Two orders in one package

HSN does pretty much the same thing.

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Re: Two orders in one package

Yes, it's the new reality with QVC and with Evine.  I like it.  

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Re: Two orders in one package

I rather a box than two bags because then my mail person can't stuff it in the mailbox.

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Re: Two orders in one package

One benefit is that if you return just can put multiple items in the box with one return fee. At least that is what I do. 

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Re: Two orders in one package


HSN does pretty much the same thing.




Yeah, but with half price shipping on the second and each additional item(s).


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Re: Two orders in one package

@GingerPeach  The other day I received 4 items in one bag, as far as the environment is concerned it makes sense, but I do agree that we should not have to pay full shipping on each item!

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Re: Two orders in one package

This happened to me as well. I shop a lot at QVC and this is the first time it’s ever happened.