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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

@SunValley wrote:

I think what's in most of this food is fat and sugars, which the American palate finds tasty, and I write this as I am eating Girl Scout thin mints. Lol


The red juice that drains from a package of raw red meat is a mixture of water and a protein called myoglobin, which is deeply pigmented. Most blood is removed during processing, and what remains is trapped in the muscle tissue. The amount of fat in meat, age of the animal, how much weight the muscle had to support, amount of connective tissue (collagen), and how it is cooked gives one a more juicy or dry result. That's one reason there are so many different ways to cook meat. Different methods for different cuts so they are all tender and juicy, not dry.


I can find the same foods or similar ones at less cost in my area stores so don't purchase from Q. I know for those with limited local shopping or mobility issues the opportunity to buy is valuable and am glad that it helps other shoppers. That said, I can't watch the food fests with all the passionate chewing, smacking, and eye rolling. When not in throes of passion, they are busy mashing, prodding, or tearing the food apart. The food network shows manage to convey the tastiness of food without destroying it. Watch and learn Q!

I agree with your last paragraph.  I don't watch the Food Fest shows for that reason and ITKWD on Sunday got turned off here because of too many food items.  Some of the combos David eats are unreal.  Also, don't like when they speak with food in their mouths.  Also sometimes they have barely tasted an item and they are already raving how good it is.  I know, it's a show.

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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

@blankette,I'd call in and ask.

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Posts: 3,120
Registered: ‎04-17-2015

Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

[ Edited ]

I can do without the camera zooming in for close-ups on the Faux Food Faces chewing, rolling their eyes, and making noises after they take a bite.