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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

@seaBreeze wrote:

I agree with @Group 5 minus 1 .... for me, using ungloved hands when preparing food should be prohibited.  I find it alarming when I know a meatloaf was prepared with bare hands to mix it ... yuk .... do people know what's under their fingernails?

My husband, the cook in our family, doesn't wear gloves while preparing meals. When I was the cook, I didn't either.


I don't watch the food presentations very often, but if they mandated the wearing of gloves, I would never watch. It would remind me too much of a medical procedure. :-)

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

[ Edited ]

The ingredients of whatever they are selling should be told.  Many people have food allergies.  I usually go online to see if they lised the ingredients.  Some do.  Some don't.  It's like a   c_r_a_p shoot.


I know I have purchased food from Q that contains soy.  I don't eat soy.  And back it goes.


I've also purchased food that has MSG in it!  What?!  In "gourmet" food?!  Smiley Frustrated


Q's standards sometimes puzzle me.

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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

@SunValley Lol, great post! Heart

Posts: 29
Registered: ‎11-18-2012

Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

I agree with everyone, but my issue is with the way the hosts eat. I don't care for the moaning and silly faces. That starts as soon as the food is in their mouths.  Didn't anyone ever teach them to chew and swallow before talking? It sickens me to watch them talk with their mouths full. These people are adults. (Yes, I do tend to turn the channel.)

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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

@dachshund mommy Yesterday I had to stop watching, LW was speaking with a mouth full of food that was just really tough to watch. I was honestly so shocked by it, Gourmet Holiday was always one of my favorite shows but they have really gotten ridiculous. I just tuned in now and I know a lot of people love RD but I can't watch him, it's like he's on speed or a ton of caffeine and just constantly speaks over everyone. 

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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

Watching people prepare and eat food is sort of an aesthetic experience. Very easily can people be turned off. So much of food is connected to appearance and our sense of taste and smell.

I'm extremely sensitive to connections to food and have always felt I have a weak stomach. If it's something disagreeable, I just can't eat.

I don't watch the Gourmet shows. To me, the show could be called "As the Stomach Turns."

I always hide this as I've been made to feel it's weird. If there's a hair in my food, forgeddaboutit. I could go days.... I'm not vegetarian, but I rarely eat meat, maybe once a year. Watching meat showings are just the worst.

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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

I ordered the Junior's cheesecake years ago, and it just wasn't very good. I ordered crab cakes way back in the day... they were so disgusting I threw them out and vowed NEVER to buy food from them again. And I haven't and I won't, ever again. So I  don't ever watch food presentations. 

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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

I've not had good experiences either and stopped buying foodstuffs like Ham, the side dishes, cheeze cake, crab cakes, steaks wrapped in bacon, etc.  I will buy wrapped bars like the Corazonas or Kind bars and that's been fine.  A few years ago the little steaks wrapped in bacon were so full of gristle I had to complain.  No one got a little steak without half of it being uneatable.  Bought one of the hams a few years ago and when it came it was in an opaque wrapper so I couldn't see the meat or the bone.  Went to prepare it for dinner and I was blown away that the bone was huge and roughly half the ham was fat.  Not enough meat for my little dinner party and had to rush out and buy another one (which was beautiful and 1/3 the cost).  


I'm another one that gets turned off by certain preparations I see being done, or by getting a meal and the texture is odd, etc.  Only DH has seen this side of me because people will remark on it.  Can't help it, it's just there and has been since I was a kid.  Got sick eating Frietos when I was about 8 and I've never touched them again.  We went to a little diner for a hamburger once and I could see the cooks preparing the meals and one was sweating horribly.... I can't go back there.  I know cooks sweat and it's hard work, but if I see it .... and they're handling my meal, it's all over for me.


On the flip side, you come to my house for a meal and you'll know that every precaution I can take to prepare something safely and without an ew factor will be taken...... Woman Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

@blankette wrote:

I would rather know about the food than see all this weird playing around, trying to make it look "inviting" by poking it and prodding it with utensils. unbelievably annoying. Yeah, I know you have to so something because its food but you could devote more to a discussion of the ingredients. For example.. is anything organic, gmo, whats in it. We will never know but you will show us a million times how the sauce drips. DUMB.



I suspect QVC's (and maybe the vendor's) reasoning is that most of the food they sell (including the "healthy" food - see corazonas thread) isn't very healthy. If people knew in advance how many calories, carbs, how much salt - that it has high fructose corn syrup and other things in it the Nothing But Family Grown Organics Shall Pass My Lips crowd would have a heart attack over - the stuff wouldn't sell nearly as much.


People might request refunds if they found something stale or didn't like the taste, but I'd be embarrassed to request a refund because it wasn't as healthy as I wanted it to be.


I find close-up, live food presentations usually gross, and not just on QVC. Every TV has different color reproduction. Sometimes very close up just makes something look literally like dog food. I too hate the squeezing and squishing so we can see the juice run out, how moist it is, etc. Most of the time, it's no longer moist or fresh by the time it gets to your front door. The product in the studio is super-fresh; the product shipped to you often isn't.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Stop playing with the food and talk about whats in it please.

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@seaBreeze wrote:

I agree with @Group 5 minus 1 .... for me, using ungloved hands when preparing food should be prohibited.  I find it alarming when I know a meatloaf was prepared with bare hands to mix it ... yuk .... do people know what's under their fingernails?

My husband, the cook in our family, doesn't wear gloves while preparing meals. When I was the cook, I didn't either.


I don't watch the food presentations very often, but if they mandated the wearing of gloves, I would never watch. It would remind me too much of a medical procedure. :-)



A few years ago, the City of LA mandated the wearing of gloves for every food worker every minute, for every task.  The regulation lasted six months before it was dumped as impossible and stupid.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all