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What a delightful gentleman and I admire his get up and go.

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@ImaoldhippieAnd he's just like that in person - at least when he's working.  Met him once some years ago when he was doing a trunk show in my local Nordstrom

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I couldn't agree more ladies, what a fine gentleman!  I wish QVC had more of his line offered than Carol Hochman.  

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He's adorable!  And always super up-beat!  What a fun man!!!1

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

I love Stan Herman too! I still have a couple of his zip-front robes. I used to love it when he'd ask the callers when their birthday was....he was really into astrology. Very cool guy! I wish they showcased more of him than Carol Hochman too. I miss him!

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He has charisma.

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He offers cute clothing, but I believe any woman over 5'7" is out of luck.

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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

I bet Stan was one handsome guy when he was young, I have always been attracted to short men who are very fit. I'll have to Goggle him.

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@Imaoldhippie he really is a charming designer. I bought my first Christmas present of this year from today's AM Style show. I told the recipient to pick out a $40 gift and she called with the item number of a SH robe - works for me. I just don't care to pick out gifts so unless I get a specific list, I give gift cards.

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@Effie54 wrote:

I love Stan Herman too! I still have a couple of his zip-front robes. I used to love it when he'd ask the callers when their birthday was....he was really into astrology. Very cool guy! I wish they showcased more of him than Carol Hochman too. I miss him!

@Effie54, I remember several years ago when he asked a caller about her birthday. She was very nasty to him, and said she did not belidve in astrology. I felt badly for him