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Re: Social media hosts are being limited

I agree with the need to clean every day but then again I do that same thing during EVERY flu season.

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Re: Social media hosts are being limited

As a kid I remember going over a friend's house and when his mother was watching home shopping the actual HOST demonstrated the item. Could QVC function with either having the host demonstrate the product (while the product rep is home) or eliminating the host altogether and having the rep do the work? The social media host doesn't seem to be a needed position but that's me.

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Re: Social media hosts are being limited

re: food shows ....I'd be happy if they just didn't double-dip or in the case of the Today's Special Ham....everybody was just picking at it....GROSS

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Re: Social media hosts are being limited

@Reever wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@Bhvbum wrote:

The gold-standard for cleaning your hands is not sanitizer but soap and water and time washing.  Just about everyone has explained why soap and water works perfectly on viruses.  


So if David did a good job washing his hands he is good to go.  What really drives me crazy are the folks who keep asking what's the big deal!!  Where in the world are they getting their news??

@Bhvbum  It's television.  Nobody is going to catch the flu from their computer or television.  


I don't want to watch someone wiping down counters and wearing a mask.  That makes no sense at all.  It is a production, not an actual live event.


Wearing latex gloves handling food products may be a smart idea. If nothing else it teaches people watching to be mindful of kitchen and food handling practices.

@Reever  Food handlers at deli counters in grocery stores and bakeries, restaurant kitchens and others dealing with  food wear gloves. People at Sam's wear gloves handing out samples. So, I somewhat agree, it looks strange for them to bare handed. It was a general health regulation that was in place long before now. 

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Re: Social media hosts are being limited

@kittymom56 wrote:

I for one would like to thank QVC for #1 not having that second host and all thee silliness that goes on and #2 eliminating all the hugging and kissing between the hosts and vendors.  I rarelhy watch any live shows anymore, but actually sat and watched a bit of ITKWD today. I found it so much more enjoyable to watch, it weemed a bit lower key and he focused more on the item he was selling.


I kind of wish they would keep this up from here on out, but as we all know, it will return. Sigh.


@kittymom56   I asked months ago, on here, why a second host along with a vendor is even necessary. It turns into a 3 ring circus. Obviously the show can go on without the second host and better for it...seems to run along more smoothly, covers more items without all the chit chat.

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Re: Social media hosts are being limited

[ Edited ]

@Zaimee--  I'm waiting for QVC to start selling masks, fashionable hazmat suits, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, etc.  


Edited to add:  Flipping thru channels this morning, HSN was selling disinfectant wipes.  The host said it was because people may not be able to find these wipes at their stores currently.  The price for 2 containers was more than I pay at my local Kroger.    

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: Social media hosts are being limited

Maybe Mary could do social media from the comfort of her home.

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Re: Social media hosts are being limited

@tototwo wrote:

@Zaimee--  I'm waiting for QVC to start selling masks, fashionable hazmat suits, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, etc.  


     With so many online retailers out of these items, the Q would make a killing!!!


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Registered: ‎10-15-2018

Re: Social media hosts are being limited

Just received my case of 48 rolls of TP from Amazon! Just sayin' LOL!