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Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights




Yep....I crack up when they show a cheap polyester tee shirt for "only" $49.95 ( less than fifty dollars!!! they yell brightly....., yanking down on the one they have on so you can see right thru it....)


"Buy three!!!...or buy as many as you want!! Get it home for 10 dollars on Easy Pay!!!!"


150 dollars for three tee shirts!!!  PLUS shipping.



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Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights

@Caaareful Shopper 



Bet they ditch HSN next. 


The other entities aren't doing that well either ( other than QVC relatively speaking...).



HSN has a different sales style than QVC....not as hyper, not as many personal stories, not as many mulitple maybe the QVC model IS what's working for Qurate....all the things the posters here don't like.


I guess we are that small minority of viewers who may be older and can't accept the new sales pitches.


The viewers that count are the ones that buy....not the ones who turn off the gibberish and noise.



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Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights

@Othereeeen wrote:

@Mimi NY 


The other night ( or Sunday can't recall) they actually had a chalkboard where they were keeping track of how many "Bites" of food that "other" host had to consume.. accompanied by much hardeee har har har!!!....SUCH hilarity!!!! ( NOT.)



David V and Steve D. There I said it. Now poof me if you want was tasteless and silly.


Came across as David "using" Steve to eat all that high calorie processed glop "for fun".....can you imagine having to do that in YOUR job?


Just silly and chilidish and in a way, vain.


Turned it off.

They have run out of ideas to try and keep us watching the food shows.  As you always say....sheesh!  Hahaha!


It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights

I used to buy from the Q all the time.  Now not so much.  Higher prices and items I can get cheaper elsewhere with free shipping.  I do like Zulily because prices are low and shipping is free after the first purchase.


I don't watch QVC either.  Too much small talk.  I want information not new friends unless they all agree to join me square daincing.  LOL

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Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights




I looked again at their stats and can only see breakdown by company ( QVC, HSN, Zulily, etc....)


They must lump all the channels together for sales....

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Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights

@Othereeeen  the other thing I notice about HSN is they have (had) fantastic sales prices on a lot of brands for quite a while, at least through the last three months.  For fashion & jewelry (the only genres I watch there), it was not unusual to see prices cut down to $29.99 for items that started as high as $89.  I scored some great things.


Then, there was that $75/free shipping promotion they had for quite a long time.


I hope all that brought them new customers.  But I bet it actually cost them big time, with a result of decreased bottom line.  

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Registered: ‎12-11-2014

Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights

Warning! Long post ahead


@Effie54   Re: Discretionary income 


My neighborhood has grown quite "working class" and yet gives the appearance of having discretioinary income. Although 93% of students at my neighborhood public school receive free or reduced price lunches, I notice frequent meal delivery in the evening. I consider meal delivery a discretionary expense, but of course I don't have access to each house's quarterly earnings.


Also, the "sports betting handle" in Arizona reached more than $591 million in January. It is the state’s fourth-highest month of recorded handle since legal sports betting began in September 2021. From that, the state collected $2.8 million in taxes for January. 


For the United States, the American Gaming Association reported the gambling industry brought in a total of $5.5 billion during January 2023. US sports betting registered 58% growth in January 2023.


There's no way to calculate the $$ spent on all the shopping deliveries made to my street alone. But perhaps the $$ isn't being spent for QVC merchandise.


While 2023 sales tax revenue in Arizona is up 8.9% over January 2022, the tourism tax revenue is up 13.9 over the some period.


To sum it up, discretionary income may be interpreted differently by you, or allocated differently where you live. But while we've experienced high inflation and complaints abound on the price of groceries and gas, the gaming, shopping. and meal delivery services seem to still be on solid footing, and tourism is definitely up in Arizona.


Too bad for Qurate's earnings and shopper decline. I am proud, however, to contribute my share.



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Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights

@Othereeeen wrote:

@Mimi NY 


The other night ( or Sunday can't recall) they actually had a chalkboard where they were keeping track of how many "Bites" of food that "other" host had to consume.. accompanied by much hardeee har har har!!!....SUCH hilarity!!!! ( NOT.)



David V and Steve D. There I said it. Now poof me if you want was tasteless and silly.


Came across as David "using" Steve to eat all that high calorie processed glop "for fun".....can you imagine having to do that in YOUR job?


Just silly and chilidish and in a way, vain.


Turned it off.



This is in large part why the customer count continues to fall...that and ALL of the other childish,manic, family lore story tellers, narcissistic, walking up to cameras to point fingers, thinking you are the mother hen of other hosts...behavior. 


ANYTHING said about David's behavior is poofed, but I don't care, he is part of the problem. No one should be above being relieved of their job if they are causing customers to change the channel as he and JT do. 


This is part of the fix...getting rid of long time obnoxious hosts...costing too much money and running off existing customers and doubtful bringing new ones in. 


Q looks reluctant to make significant cuts...ones that would matter. 


Look for the ship to continue listing further on it's side. 


HSN isn't the problem. If Qurate thinks they are, cut them loose with their professional hosts intact. 

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Posts: 4,978
Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights

[ Edited ]

@jackiejenny wrote:

@Othereeeen wrote:

@Mimi NY 


The other night ( or Sunday can't recall) they actually had a chalkboard where they were keeping track of how many "Bites" of food that "other" host had to consume.. accompanied by much hardeee har har har!!!....SUCH hilarity!!!! ( NOT.)



David V and Steve D. There I said it. Now poof me if you want was tasteless and silly.


Came across as David "using" Steve to eat all that high calorie processed glop "for fun".....can you imagine having to do that in YOUR job?


Just silly and chilidish and in a way, vain.


Turned it off.



This is in large part why the customer count continues to fall...that and ALL of the other childish,manic, family lore story tellers, narcissistic, walking up to cameras to point fingers, thinking you are the mother hen of other hosts...behavior. 


ANYTHING said about David's behavior is poofed, but I don't care, he is part of the problem. No one should be above being relieved of their job if they are causing customers to change the channel as he and JT do. 


This is part of the fix...getting rid of long time obnoxious hosts...costing too much money and running off existing customers and doubtful bringing new ones in. 


Q looks reluctant to make significant cuts...ones that would matter. 


Look for the ship to continue listing further on it's side. 


HSN isn't the problem. If Qurate thinks they are, cut them loose with their professional hosts intact. 

Not a JT fan and rarely see DV as I'm not a kitchen food person. Having worked in TV where ratings ( yes QVC does indeed follow its ratings and also sales) these two are big sellers.Yes, people complain about JT a lot here, THATS a tiny amount compared to her sales. 

No host would be placed on prime time as much as they are if they didn't have the sales.

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Re: Qurate First Quarter Results: Highlights

@CoffeeNut wrote:

@Othereeeen wrote:

Where do YOU fall as the QVC customer?



From their report released today...some interesting criteria that is used to measure thier reach and progress:


NOTE: "Linear" TV is cable ..old style teevee viewing!! (NOT streaming!):



"Average Daily Reach: Pertains to linear TV broadcasts and is the count of distinct homes that watch at least 20 consecutive seconds within a day.


Total Minutes Viewed: Pertains to linear TV broadcasts and is the sum of total daily minutes viewed within a specified time period.


Monthly Active Users: Pertains to our streaming services and is the number of unique households that watched for any length of time during the month.

Existing Customer: Made a purchase in two consecutive 12-month periods.

New Customer: Never made a purchase previously.

Reactivated Customer: Purchased in past, but not in last 12 months.

Best Customer (QVC): Purchased 20+ units in last 12 months."




You can see how minutely they drill down to determine customer useage and viewership.


There's no guessing any more with today's technology.


THINK about this when considering particular viewership of individual hosts. They measure in SECONDS how long the viewer watches, and in minutes within specific time periods.


In other words....if you're a host, there better be eyeballs on your show, cause they can sure measure it , and make decisions on retaining hosts on the payroll accordingly.


"It ain't about squirrels or "familiy!!!!!





Maybe this will be a wake up call for Jane T.  If they are measuring in seconds, every time I flip the channel and she is on, she is wasting those precious seconds talking about her daughters or her trips to Disney.  She may be in the next round of cuts. 



She isn't going anywhere. You may not care for her but she does have fans. Some just love her "family talk".  I think she brings in the sales and that is all that matters.