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@katiescarlett wrote:

Hey SPURT, another classic review of the "exciting" offerings this weekend!  I changed channels to Valerie's show with Shawn while a commercial was on during Blue Bloods, and they were selling a wreath.  Well, Shawn said the pine cones were big and juicy. HUH??  Let me just say that I have a zillion pine cones on my property, and I can attest that pine cones are NOT juicy.  Good gravy, where do they come up with this stuff?

@katiescarlett JUICY pinecones---Woman LOL  Well Shawny Sue has taken the English language to a whole new level---.....There are some pine trees around our neighborhood.....I've picked up some "stray" pine cones to use in Christmas displays and sorry to report none of them are "JUICY"----LOL

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[ Edited ]

@stevieb wrote:

@GinaV24 wrote:

@katiescarlett ha, you and I must have tuned in a the same time.  Like you, I went "what?!"


I was sorry to see SK hosting that show so I went back to watching Blue Bloods.  I don't need anything anyway. I'm going to use what I already have to decorate this year.

I think @GinaV24 that they're determined to 'replace' Lisa with Shawn... and just as Lisa was often recruited to host prime time shows, even those outside of her normal 'areas', they're apparently going to try to do the same with Shawn... Unfortunately, in her current incarnation... Shawn just isn't as versatile as Lisa was... 

@stevieb @GinaV24 @katiescarlett  yep, the Q thinks they found their "perfect" replacement for Lisa R. but in reality definitely NOT!!!!  At first I thought that Shawn just had a quirky personality......and as time has gone on I'm finding it's not so much quirky as it just annoys me ....she appears to be trying too hard to be cute and amusing and she is striking out on all bases (don't ya love my baseball reference---LOL).......And I no longer watch PM STYLE......Thank God for DWTS (although they are now at the bottom of the barrel with Gary Busey).....and of course there is MNF!Woman Very Happy


And then there's the G.I.L.I replacement---JM!   Now say what you will about Lisa...I know there are a lot of people that were not overly fond of her, but I did think she brought a bit of glamour and to borrow a phrase from Emeril, she did "kick it up a knotch" compared to the other QVC hosts, and wasnt G.I.L.I supposed to be a bit more trendy and upscale than say---Graver, Logo, WIC, D&C----And I thought Lisa had a good sense of humor, and good repoire with the models......But her replacement definitely does NOT bring any kind of glamour ..... and she needs a good hairstylist....I think a good cut would update and refresh her look......I know she supposedly does the latest fashion trends and entertainment news for NBC, but I wouldn't call her a fashionista......and she was on People's Stylewatch---maybe she does need to WATCH other people's styles.....and I think her book, "I Have Nothing To Wear" is very appropriate because the styles she picks I would NEVER wear!!!! ( Sorry JM I'm not into camuflouge clothing)..She's just another Q vendor that gets on my last nerve and makes me change the channel.....and I bump into JM only because I watch AM STYLE (about the only thing I watch on QVC on the weekends) and this is only because nothing else is on TV but news RERUNS from the previous day's news---maybe they should bring back Saturday Morning cartoons--Woman LOLWoman WinkWoman Very Happy  I wonder how the sales are for G.I.L.I ???? I notice quite a few clearance items which is not a good sign!

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[ Edited ]

@mewsmomtoo wrote:

To quote my favorite grumpy cat...Fa la la la...NO! I love Christmas but it is still over 100 degrees here!  I have seen a little of Jill (or LM, as you & Stevieb call her, very appropriate) this morning, mostly i have watched BYU getting beat by Michigan & one very good Law & Order:Criminal Intent episode (Vincent D'Onofrio is sooo good in this role)  Right now I should be getting ready to go visit my Dad & take him to see my mom who went to a rehab facility last night to get back some strength & get I.V. antibiotics, but I wanted to reply first otherwise it will be Wednesday before I know it!  By the way, can you see the words "Enter a body" at the top of this paragraph? I don't know what that is. 


Your cat pics are so cute this week, love the cats in trees & the squirrel with earmuffs :-D  I doubt I will see any Q tomorrow, goodness knows I dont need a heater & I dont buy clothing off the TV even if I was a fan of the designers. And have you seen the Lenox TSV? On my TV it looks very cheap, like it is all plastic & should be found at the dollar store. I hope that isnt really the case when you get it home. I did like the red sparkly wreath Jill had because it would look great on my black security door but i dont think it was meant to be outside even in our mild weather & I'd rather spend the money on something else. 


So sorry to read about your sister overextending herself. Traing for a half-marathon would certainly make me cranky much less everything on her plate! I'm sure you'll get to use your comeback remark at some point :-)


Ok, it is getting late in the day, i better get going. Take care & thanks for the laughs, you are the best!

@mewsmomtoo  Sorry it took me so long to respond to this post..."enter the body" does not appear on the post I am viewing....are you on a laptop or tablet---I know strange things happen with tablets or phones with this website or maybe because Halloween is near......Woman Wink

Image result for cats dressed in halloween ghost costume


I hope your mom is progressing well in rehab and regaining her strength!


I did love those ear muff photos too, although it appears that ear muff weather is a LOOOONNNNGGG way off for both of us......


I don't understand some of the products QVC offers....take Jill's wreath.....don't most people use a wreath ON A FRONT DOOR IN THE ELEMENTS---so why wasn't her wreath designed for both indoor and OUTDOOR use----"rocket science" isn't exactly needed to make a sale!!!  And yes some of the things QVC shows seem to be Dollar Store items at much higher prices---even that ED Christmas Tree looked very cheap to me but OH MY the price was OUTRAGEOUS!!!!  I got my 7.5 tree for half the price at Home Depot complete with all the bells and whistles--pre-lighted, in pole power technology---that BL braggs about!!! 


As for my DS----I encourage her about her 1/2 marathon training and she did it for charity too, and to help stay healthy although she says this is the first and last marathon that she will ever run!!!!  But the other activities are just too much, and I think she is finally realizing that, and trying to modify her involvement with one of her other projects.  I also offered to help a bit, at least until her marathon is over.......But she did get back at me by wearing her Eli Manning NY Giant t-shirt the other day.....AND HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN!!!!!....while I was watching the Jets/Dolphins game from London (nice to have NFL with breakfast--LOL)....she called to say that Fox had bumped my Redskins/Eagles game to broadcast the Giants/Bills game!!!!!!! I am as mad AS A HORNET!!!! ---- I guess they were afraid the storm was going to hit Fed EX and the surrounding area hard ---and from what I heard the rain was supposed to subside by game time and that was just a 56% chance....!!!!!  Oh well I guess I'll watch part of the game on Red Zone ...Woman SadWoman Embarassed.....


Enjoy what's left of the weekend!



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I tried 4 times to post, but never got through.  Why?

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@Carol08 wrote:

I tried 4 times to post, but never got through.  Why?

@Carol08  Sorry you had problems, I Don't know why....sometimes QVC's website is a bit quirky.  Or if you are typing a post you get "timed out" and you have to sign on again. 


If you click your nickname and then click profile on the left hand side of the screen check for auto draft saved and sometimes what you've typed but didn't get to post is saved there.......

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”