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That's typical here.  Fellow posters ask simple, harmless, straightforward questions and get scolded with backhanded slaps by a velvet glove.



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Re: People asking

[ Edited ]

A busy person would not know if the host post their personal life on soical media unless they take a few minutes out of their lucky busy life to check their social media!!!!!  There was no harm in asking that question.



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I could care less about any host's lives. I've never read a blog nor intend to. If one is not there sometimes, I'm usually happy. They're about as worthy of interest as a clerk or salesman in stores with a door.

I would be very happy if they did not waste 15 minutes to a half hour on one item and showed us more so there wouldn't be time for that. 

There IS one thing I enjoy about hosts and vendors and that is when they show their pets on air. I don't buy Susan Graver, but I watch for Pebbles all the time. 

I have an interest in seeing their pets, but not hosts. 

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Intellectually, every adult posting on this board knows hosts have lives, that they get sick, have vacations, have personal business to which they must attend.  However, some people seem to be so heavily invested into the lives of their favorite hosts that they panic if they disappear for a few days.  The presence of a host is reassuring like a child's favorite stuffed toy or blankie.  Kind of hard to understand.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: People asking

[ Edited ]

What "brick and mortar" sales person has 525,000+ followers on their Macy's or Kohls or Target Facebook page?


I say just about none.


The two jobs are not comparable by any means or any measure.

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@Johnnyeager wrote:

What "brick and mortar" sales person has 525,000+ followers on their Macy's or Kohls or Target Facebook page?


I say just about none.


The two jobs are not comparable by any means or any measure.

Absolutely right.  There is no comparison between a QVC host and a sales person at a B & M.  

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And most Macy's employees are not working under individual specific employment contracts.  Crafted by an entertainment industry attorney. 


I laugh when these comparisons are made!

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@Johnnyeager wrote:

Why does it bother a person with a busy, rewarding, full life if a fellow poster asks a simple, harmless question. 


If you don't know the answer you probably won't respond, so how does it interfere with a rich, full, rewarding life.......very odd (to me) that some find a harmless question upsetting to their lifestyle. 


That harmless inquiry is not taking up much valuable space here or too much of your valuable time.

I definitely agree with you

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I don't follow any hosts on social media, but I enjoy reading or hearing about what they're doing.

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I'm going to comment from a different point of view.


Sometimes, from some posters, the seemingly innocuous and innocent questions asking about host appear with some frequency. 

I think if someone has ever been a victim of a stalker these type of seemingly innocent questions can internally trigger, rationally or irrationally, an alarm bell and you question why the need to know.