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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

@munchiesmom wrote:

I don't advise using this option. Last year I placed an order and used the check option. When the product sold out a few days after I placed my order they just cancelled mine. They did not allow the stated 10 days to receive my payment. 


@munchiesmom  many, many years ago I lost my Card I used at QVC. I placed an order using the check option. That was a Sunday and I went to the Post office that evening and dropped my Check in the box that was in the lobby.  I really wanted the item which was the Technique quick cooker and it's still going strong. I really, really wanted it and didn't want to lose it.




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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

@EastCoastGal “My water company here in a town in western New York only takes checks!”

That’s so inconvenient, but they have a captive customer base, don’t they? You can’t take your business elsewhere, so you’re stuck. And I don’t even have a checkbook!
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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

@Kachina624 “I pay nothing by check except my hairdresser and I recently fired her.”

Aww, it doesn’t look that bad! 😁
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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

In the olden days, many people used the check option to give themselves time to decide if they really wanted the item. Then, they would call in and change it to a credit card if they did.


Now, QVC seems to have such limited quantities, they sell out and the check writers are out of luck. I don't think people realize that an item is not held when it is put on check hold - when QVC has a solid offer with a credit card, that comes first. However, now with scanning numbers, it seems like the check hold is outdated.

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

@DrumPounder wrote:
@Kachina624“I pay nothing by check except my hairdresser and I recently fired her.”

Aww, it doesn’t look that bad! 😁    LOL





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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

Checks are still accepted. My aunt refuses to use any other method to pay for most items.  She also does not do online banking, and yes she is the one in the grocery store writing out a check. (Insert eye roll) Although, she does pre-fill out as much as possible on the check before she arrives at the grocery store.


I pay all of my bills including my mortgage online, so no need for checks. Although at least once or twice a year I will have to write a check for some odd reason. 

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I don't even know the last time I wrote a check----used them all the time everywhere before debit cards-----

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I was in a favorite antique shop yesterday and a sign near the register read....'Discount given for checks and cash.'  So, somebody is writing out checks.


Couldn't help but think about this thread. Woman Happy

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I write checks.  Contractors like them.

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I'm pretty sure I had to write a check when I renewed my passport last year. I don't think a credit card was an acceptable form of payment.