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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

[ Edited ]

I write checks for every single bill that comes through my mail, nothing is deducted out of may checking account for any service.  I also fund all my investment funds with a check.  I do not write many checks in stores but use my A. Express card for everything so only one check per month for errands ect...  I still see people writing checks all over and no one is turned away.

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I write checks for yard work, Christmas, once-a-month cleaning service, and yearly car tags at the tag agency. They charge more if you use a debit card.


I also write a check to have taxes prepared.



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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

[ Edited ]

Checks are accepted mostly everywhere.  They can be processed and cashed right on the spot. 

Retailers no longer take the check to the banks and wait for them to clear. They run them through an electronic  device and they are cashed and cleared within seconds.


If you write a check at stores, they run the check through their system and hand the cashed check back to you.  Checks no longer "bounce."  If there isn't enough funds to cover the check, they will know immediately.


Of course, if you pay utilities like water, electric and oil by check, with not enough funds in the account, the company will be out of funds and have to contact you to pay.


I pay bills online by check by entering the route number and account number.  They don't even need the actual paper check.



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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I pay most of our bills by mailing a check and the part of the bill to be returned with it. Have never had a problem.

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I pay nothing by check except my hairdresser and I recently fired her.  All of my bills have been paid automatically for years (25+) and I've never had a problem even once.  I've saved a fortune in just postage.  IMO, to pay bills by check is archaic.

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

There are certain things I pay with checks...although, I admit, I do not care for writing them out. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

Well, seems like this post has turned in the direction of writing checks versus using a card.


Somebody mentioned checks are archaic. I believe it was @Kachina624 . This is true. Working in schools for my career, kids do not know how to write a check. They are no longer taught how. Most 20 and 30 year olds don't even have a checkbook. 


I can't count the number of times a parent would send a student with a blank check to fill out (I was in the finance office so frequently had students make purchases through me). I had to explain step by step on how to write a check, not one student ever knew how to write a full check.


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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

@beckyb1012 wrote:

 I still see people writing checks all over and no one is turned away.



I'm the opposite.  I don't see anyone writing checks anywhere.


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Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I agree @San Antonio Gal . I can't even remember the last time I actually saw someone write a check. I'm sure it would have to be at the grocery store and it must be at least 5+ years ago. 


I know people do write checks though. We pay our pool guy and the gardener checks but I just have never seen anybody write one while checking out somewhere. 

Posts: 34
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Is a check no longer accepted as form of payment?

I don't advise using this option. Last year I placed an order and used the check option. When the product sold out a few days after I placed my order they just cancelled mine. They did not allow the stated 10 days to receive my payment.