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How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

How many of us aren't on a desk top.  It seems that there are a lot uf us using other media.  What do you use?  

I have a desk top and don't need an Ipad and don't use my phone for this.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I have a desktop and it's plenty for me.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I sold my desk top about twelve years ago....have been using my lap top ever since....I have two tablets...but I only use them for games...and e-mail....nothing else...

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

We have a kindle, 2 smart phones, and a laptop.  I sometimes work from home on spreadsheets and such, and find a laptop is the only way to go.    Can you even buy a desk top computer anymore?



-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I have a desk top I use for other purposes, a laptop for copying music to play at another location and a Kindle.  I use all 3 to post.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

Guess I'm old school too. Running everything on a Mac Mini with OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. Coming to the point where I will need to upgrade to the newest OS as some software is not compatible with what I use. I think they call it forced obsolescence. 

BTW--thanks for the spell checker here.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

[ Edited ]

I have a large desktop and absolutely need it for our work and business.   We have a large monitor for viewing blueprints.  A laptop would be way too small for use and viewing.  Besides our daughter has a laptop at her house and I have at times had to use it and I do not like it.  We just switched or actually were pretty much forced to switch from our flip phones to Smartphones.  My DH likes his Smartphone and I could take it or leave it.  I only use it for making phone calls and really do not use it all that much.  Occasionally a text.


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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I have an I Pad Air and I Pad mini . That's all I need. Gave my laptop to my grandaughter.
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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

i haven't used a desk top at home since 2006 when Impurchased a laptop. I have purchased another since then but when my husband bought me an iPad two years ago, I started using that almost exclusively. I have a phone but prefer the iPad as its easier to see. So at home I use that.
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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

[ Edited ]

I haven't had a desktop for about 8 years now.  I have all laptops.  For me anyway, I have found that laptops last a LOT longer than desktops.  Just keep them on stands so that they have good air circulation and you're golden.


But I don't use mobile devices as a computer.  My phones are used for phones.  My iPod is used for music, etc.  I know I'm a dinosaur, but I don't feel the need, like AT ALL, to be 'connected' every second of every day.


I go on the computer to hang out or do things like email and bills, research, read news, etc.  But when I'm not on the computer I'm fine.  Smiley Happy  


When I'm done being on the computer it is turned off and unplugged so, unless I'm doing a bunch of transferring or updates, I only have either one computer on at a given time or none.


I don't have any tablets, or devices l ike that.  I need at least a 15" screen and a regular, type with two hands, keyboard.   I think a lot of times people decide, so they can be cool and current maybe (?), to use these small devices but then they complain because stuff is too small to read.  If I were on something like that it would be, so I make the choice to compute on a computer with either a 15" screen or the old Dell 19" I have upstairs in my office where I have that laptop connected to the monitor, mouse, and keyboard.