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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

Desktop is my primary.  Phone, after I put Presto (bird) to bed.  Her habitat is in the office and I don't like to disturb her sleep so I power down when she goes to bed.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I use a laptop.  I do have a desktop, but I never seem to use it.

(formerly NickNack)
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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I have a Windows XP desktop that I still use occasionally. Still love looking at that clean interface.


For daily use I have newer laptop which I'm looking forward to upgrading to Windows 10. Can't stand the schizophrenic 8.1.


And for traveling I have a very inexpensive tablet.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I have an iMac desktop, iPad and iPhone. I mostly post here from the iPad. We have a Toshiba laptop that we haven't used in years and years. I need to do something with it. Sell it, donate it, etc.

I would never get rid of our iMac. I like having a desktop computer.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I use two iPads and a kindle I have a laptop only use when I have to. I use laptop #2 at my office.
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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I use a desktop computer as my main system.  I use this machine as a media machine to play and stream my iTunes library. I could not leave a laptop running 24/7.  I use a laptop and tablets as portable devices. I must say I enjoy technology. Have wi-fi will travel.

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I have an all-in-one desktop that is my primary.  I have a Kindle Fire for backup and convenience - like taking to bed.  The older I get, I need the biggest screen I can get.  My Tracfone smartphone  I only access internet I only use occassionally to check something quick when I'm away from home as it I find it much too small,

"It doesn't matter if the glass is half-full or half-empty as long as you still have the rest of the bottle."
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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

Have not had a desktop at home for a number of years.  I have a laptop, IPad, and IPhone.  Love them all.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I have a desktop and laptop but prefer the desktop.  Tablets, etc are way too small to comfortably use for me.  I need a real keyboard if typing.  I don't really like the laptop becasue the sapcebar is shorter and not exclusively a spacebar.  I have arthritic fingers so desktop works the best.

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Re: How many of us don't have a desk top computer?

I'm surprised so many people have laptops only.  Everytime I use one I just hate it.   I like my screen way above the keyboard.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*