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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

@Shanus wrote:

I see a post was poofed by mods, but if selling a Bible and a Pastor was obviously on with the host, is that not religious content on QVC? I'm not clear why something religious can be sold, but not discussed here. Where is the line drawn so I know?

QVC sells religious items often.  The difference is QVC can control the dialogue and statements mentioned.  Those vendors and hosts are trained to know what to say and what not to say, it may seem like conversation, but it's all a part of the script.


Here on the boards it's similar to what we're told in the workforce -- never talk about religion, politics, or personal finances.  That's because those comments are free-wheeling and uncontrolled.  The only recourse QVC would have is to delete delete delete. 


I have to say, I agree with QVC's forum decision.  There are other places on social media to discuss all things religious.

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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

@Nonametoday wrote:

I think she is one of the top hostesses.  I like her and Katie McGee, Courtney Cason, Amy Strand and Gabrielle.  They are all nice but those are my favorites.  

I have always enjoyed Gabrielle but it has been so long since I have seen her that I forgot about her...I wish she could get some daytime shows.

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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

I don’t care for Kristine Zell’s hosting style at all. I find her to be over-the-top and not genuine. I turn the channel when ever she’s on. To each their own. 

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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

I’m not sure, but I think she was the host who pronounced Louis Dell’olio’s name wrong and also pronounced Linea wrong. I found that to be pretty unprepared.

@proudlyfromNJ  Yes, it was her. She mispronounces many words incorrectly. That’s no big deal unless you have a job which requires public speaking. No, her mispronunciations

aren’t dialect or regional mispronunciations. 

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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

I am definately not one of Kristine Zell's biggest fans but I did catch her presentation last night of the Big Deal and I thought she did a GREAT job.  She was calm, seemed very sincere, seemed to know what she was talking about.  Again, I thought she did awesome. and she looked beautiful as well.


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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

Since it was brought up in this thread, I'll say that I do think it's hypocritical of QVC to sell religious items but not permit discussion of such on the boards.


Sure, it can lead to arguments, but so does everything else.


And they have all of these moderators around to stop it should it get out of hand.


Otherwise, I think they should dispense the selling of Bibles and religious jewelry.


Politics is another matter altogether, as they don't endorse or promote any candidates on air and the hosts are careful to say nothing in that regard.  But religion is clearly being promoted.


Which I have no issue with.  Just don't be hypocrites.

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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

I have to agree that I don't think QVC should be in the business of selling religious items, ever.  They have taken the stand to control the dialogue on-air, for the almighty dollar.  But they know they cannot control the discussion that goes with it. 





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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

I've never liked QVC selling religious items. It comes off as tacky and pandering to make a buck.

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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

I just remembered that HSN always sold Presidential coins and collectible medallions right around election time.


I wonder if QVC will make them stop.

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Re: Host Kristine Zell - Well Done.

I've always enjoyed Kristine Zell, she honestly is my favorite host on the Q. 

~ Hope in TN ~