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Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

Since being let go , i know she wasn't a favorite of many here , but i felt sorry for her after so many years. I know they had to let 3 go , but i feel badly , i think she was 57.

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

Shannon seems like she's doing great.  She's a very active poster on her Instagram page. 


I was never a fan of her hosting, but I'm glad she seems to be happy and doing well.

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

Shannon posts a lot on Facebook, especially with recipes.  I felt bad for her also.

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

Thanks , it seemed everyone was so shocked about Carolyn , the others were less talked about , which i understand. And yes i know in real life people are let go all the time , it doesn't make it any easier when we are getting older.

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

She still has many good working years ahead of her at 57.  Unless she just wants to retire early, I'm sure she'll bounce back soon.  Wishing her the best.

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

I'm sure she's fine. She's young enough to have another career if she so chooses.

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

To me, Shannon has always displayed the type of public personality that would make lemonade out of lemons. 

Her upbeat personality should serve her well in any future employment.

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

@Spacrazy wrote:

I'm sure she's fine. She's young enough to have another career if she so chooses.


I will respectfully disagree. Someone up thread mentioned that she is 57. I would agree that she could get another job, not necessarily in television, but definitely not another career. 


Hopefully, she has made some wise investment decisions over the years. 

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

Shannion always said that before her HSN hosting she was a TV medical reporter, maybe a venture back into TV reporting for her. 

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Re: Has anyone seen anything about HSN Shannon ?

@MW in Iowa  Gosh, I didn't know about Shannon. Who were the other two?

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein